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bosing out

1) A generic term for attempting to impress your peers.
2) Having feelings of sexual arousal whilst demonstrating your masculinity.
3) Can be used as a term for excessive consumption e.g bosing out on fairy cakes

Reference: Used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the body building documentary "Pumping Iron".

The origins of the word have been hotly debated by academics and linguistic theorists worldwide. However, the most widely accepted explanations are: It is a combination of the words boss (a person who is (or believes s/he is) in change, and pose (to show-off); It is an adjective coined by bodybuilders in the late 70’s as a collective expression for the various poses they use on stage in ‘Mr. Universe’ style competition (e.g. “I was bosing out on stage in front of thousands of people”)

Modern usage
It has since been adopted by youth culture in the west where it is used as a prefix as well as a separate word (e.g. the scat-fest was bosetastic last night). This has led to the term transcending any singular or definable meaning and has instead become an attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance, style and Zeitgeist of post modern pop-culture.

by Sieb May 28, 2008

18👍 4👎


Something that is actually awful and of very low quality, but because of extensive marketing stating the opposite, is perceived to be of high quality, or "the best".

Mercedes-Benz is still able to sell cars despite their declining quality control because of the bose-effect.

by geskalney February 11, 2009

15👍 3👎

bose worthy

When the music is so good you have to listen to it with Bose headphones/ speakers. It usually requires bangin bass and wobble to qualify.

Alex: You have to listen to this song!
Lauren: Is it bose worthy?

by Prisma October 6, 2010

13👍 7👎

Stackin' Boses

To stack mad boozles when competing at swim events.

Yo I was stackin' boses last meet!

by George Harris 3 February 25, 2012

dk bose

a name which if said rapidly thrice or more, turns out to be a sweet, cute adjective in Hindi.

run run dk bose dk bose dk bose!

by mehulaj awab June 8, 2011

25👍 18👎

D.K. Bose

A fictional name derived from the song from the Bollywood film "Delhi Belly", when said repeatedly, "bosedi" can be can be heard, which in hindi is slang for a cooch.

bhaag bhaag d.k. bose d.k. bose bhaag bhaag d.k. bose d.k. bhaag.
(run run d.k. bose..)

by tashi2 August 27, 2011

20👍 19👎

emily bosely

A dumb fucking slutty bitch who thinks she’s better than everyone and a 2 faced cow eating bitch! She fucks every guy at school and sends nudes to everyone including girls! Everyone knows what her small white ass butt looks like and to top it off! She’s got pepperoni nippes!

Emily Bosely is a dumb horebag

by Hahahahahahaha696969 September 29, 2017

7👍 5👎