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brain fart

a bad idea

It was a real brain fart, when he started talking about how his pants fell down while wearing them low.

by T.V. John March 27, 2013

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Brain Fart

An incredibly bad(smelling)idea that leaks out of someones head, although these bad ideas can be easily avoided through basic common sense, The term "brain fart" is mostly associated with unavoidable bad ideas that originate from a boss or employer.

Bob's boss looking rather proud leaks out a rather large and foul smelling brain fart by telling Bob "you will have two week work deadlines at the beginning, middle and end of each month".
Bob can easily identify this as a brain fart from the really bad smell and since 2 weeks of time would not exist inbetween the end of one month and the beginning of another.

by Kuatolives February 25, 2007

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Brain Fart

When someone sits on your ear while you are sleeping and farts. Usually done as sick pranks at late night parties.

Richard "Dude I just gave Brad a Brain Fart!"
George "Dude that's nasty!"
Brian "SWEET jesus!"

by Lemon Pie July 11, 2008

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Brain Fart

"If Ya Don't Stop Thinkin
Ya Brains Gonna Be Stinkin"

nojjhjhhhhhhh dfdf brain fart. fdf f ffdgfggdggffgffgdf fggfgfgdff

by MJ cvghfgjghf March 24, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Quantum Brain Fart

When you both remember and cannot remember if you have done something. The state of being unsure if it is a false memory or a factual experience.

Schroedinger to Heisenberg; darn your uncertainty principle, I am having a quantum brain fart trying to remember if I did (or did not) put the cat in the box.

by Teraknor November 5, 2015

Audible Brain Fart

The speech that results from a brain fart, which simultaneously promotes inspiration, fascination, and complete confusion. Few people leave a conversation with someone who suffers from ABF without saying, "Wow".

Most people go blank when experiencing a "Brain Fart" but some possess the unbelievable ability to create sentences during this time. These sentences are known as "Audible Brain Farts."

Me: Hey Coach

Coach: Oh hey Nate, you ready to run this Saturday?

Me: Yeah, I think I'm-

Coach: why don't you go home and get a warm one on your belly.

Me: WOW, I think coach suffers from ABF(Audible Brain Fart Disorder).

by 556677NK March 8, 2010

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brain fart

when a computer freezes or starts being dumb. or any one who has a lapse in judgment.

Damn. My computer had another brain fart.

I can't believe Jacob did that. He must've had a major brain fart.

by Whoohoo December 20, 2007

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