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A butthole jerk and loves to annoy his siblings and is weird

I cleaned the basement why are you yelling at me branden

by Gfihvyjgg December 9, 2018

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


he's a real-life ginger..... he is also a witch and kind of an asshole but his mom still kinda loves him for who he is. but shes also a little scared

need to turn your friend into a frog contact Branden

by borob October 30, 2019

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

branden steineckert

the drummer of the used

branden steineckert owns you

by kiddlez June 23, 2005

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Branden Riley

everything a girl wants. hot body goes to fletcher and gets all the girls. anywhere he goes so do hot girls. likes to hang out and play soccer. dresses like a prep.

Branden Riley is the hottest and coolest guy ever

by Branden Riley November 25, 2008

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Brandens penis

Massive horse cock, will absolutely rip apart your ass hole

Girl: whip out dick
Branden: pulls it out
Girl:You have a brandens penis

by Girl that is hot December 8, 2018

Branden Steineckert

Drummer for The Used,
The best drummer ever to exist, the best drummer in the world, the sexiest drummer ever.

Dude, that guy is SUCH a Branden Steineckert.

by ummmmm47 August 20, 2006

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Branden Grimm

Someone who drinks a lot of beer and is always a good time when he’s drunk! Can find them at any house party or bonfire drinking Busch light by the case. Also had a slightly above average pecker but will always leave you wanting more and wondering about what could have been. Also could find him with a Brandon Harris or a Tyler Reid.

Her #1: A Branden Grimm tore my ass up last night

Her #2 : What all happened?

Her #1: He tore my ass up for 45 seconds and passed out because he drank a case of Busch light!

Her #2: Damn girl me too! At least it was slightly average!

Her#1: Yeah it was pretty good to be honest!

by Branden grimm January 12, 2020