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A term used by inhabitants of Liverpool to describe a female - generally used more so to describe attractive women.

“Lad that camel over there is heavy”
Yer lad I’d rattle her me”

by StephenTheDevilFrenchman September 20, 2020

4👍 3👎


A spin off of the oh so horrible and almighty insult, Llama.


by MT. Golden Llama's cousin September 1, 2003

11👍 23👎


When a wild retarded camel gets let out of the zoo an try’s to molest the local elementary children while they get raped in the ass by it they shake in fear that the camel will break in there houses at night and pull them under there beds and eat there ass out

Run before the camel iT gets you

by Kevinhartpreloadedcumdildo69 September 30, 2019

2👍 2👎


A female with a large chest. Acronym: Hamster

Alex only likes Emily because she's a camel.

by Moitoi March 21, 2005

4👍 16👎


one who goes through long periods with out making someone laugh

yo that fucker Phillip is a Camel he hasn't made us laugh in ages

by fishrman July 17, 2003

3👍 11👎


A homeless bum with no job gets drunk and ask for money in front of stores

Man all these camels be asking for money

by Yungie November 11, 2017

1👍 3👎

camel by camel

That song by Sandy whateverhisnameis that has not been used in any bad way whatsoever. Right? What a wholesome yellow cat.

Let's play camel by camel at the school talent show so we can be like those kids who played the ph intro!!!

by PotatoBearSMO October 15, 2021