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Cancel Culture

One of the most idiotic things to occur on the internet in the past few years. Typically involves teen girls or gays that have no life or social life outside of being on the internet and them using the large amount of time they have to end somebody famous' career with something controversial they did in their past. Typically includes some sort of racist/homophobic/sexist piece of media from a celebrity that tends to be years old and gets found and spread to end someones online career. People partaking in this REALLY need a life outside of being on their phone and know not everybody has to agree with or think the same thing as them. They should also get a reality check with the real world outside the internet.

"Oh my god did you hear Jenna Marbles did blackface as Nicki Minaj 8 years ago??"
"Oh no sis is cancelled!! THE CLOWNERY🤡🤡🤡 "
"Cancel culture will definitely end her online career within a week"

by yuhhhhh561 June 29, 2020

135👍 169👎

Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture is an internet phenomenon that has emerged due to the internet's highly dogmatic hivemind mentality, where the opinions and attitudes of the public are harmonized into one giant unanimous blob. The said blob will spontaneously accuse and reprimand anyone who rubs them the wrong way, regardless of the individual's true intention. Often, these indicted individuals aren't even aware that what they said could be viewed in a different light, it's only the people that make it seem that way.

For example, take someone who asked "can marijuana make someone as intoxicated as alcohol" on Reddit. The guy who asked it was simply bored, but the people of Reddit took offense, ambiguously assumed that they're asking to take advantage of girls, and begin exposing all their previous posts to further prove the hivemind's unfounded belief. This right here is Cancel Culture in a nutshell.

Though it's easy to single out the "social justice warriors", do not be mistaken. In reality, anyone can co-opt a cancel culture as long as they share the same dogmatic and hypersensitive attitudes of the majority. In fact, the victims of cancel culture could be anyone who has disobeyed a rule or a policy of a group/affiliation/institution.

Essentially, the gist of cancel culture is about the public (and the individuals representing the public) either making accusations about something/someone they absolutely know nothing about, or overinflating a minor and irrelevant issue.

Example 1: People bashing PewDiePie for using the n-word and making satirical jokes about Nazism are proponents of cancel culture.

Example 2: Disney firing James Gunn for his 'offensive' tweets can be attributed to cancel culture.

Example 3: Diana was kicked out of a group chat on Kik because she didn't follow one of their group rules. She wanted to re-establish bona fide connections with one of the group members (Mikayla), but she rejected her and rebuked her just because she broke one of the group rules. Mikayla has just co-opted cancel culture as there was no legitimate reason not to befriend her.

Example 4: Jason sought help on r/FamilyAdvice because his abusive father kept beating his mother and threatening her and Jason. He admitted that he finally had enough and stood up for his mother by throwing a saucepan at his father. As a result of cancel culture, the people of Reddit decided on a whim that—despite the wickedness of his abusive father—Jason was the one that deserved all the blame because he hit him with a saucepan. This is because public opinion on Reddit upholds the traditional belief to always honor your parents no matter what. Thus, because of cancel culture, the true severity of Jason's situation was never taken into light, and his post (and other comments supporting him) were unfortunately downvoted to oblivion.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian July 26, 2020

223👍 313👎

Cancel Culture

A terrible toxic habit of the internet where misinformed people who only know part of the story attack often innocent people or groups of people over something which they(the cancellers) view as bad, and continue to do so in an attempt to destroy the victim’s career with no regard for the victim’s personal life.

A bunch of uneducated rats tried to cancel Julia this morning because of a joke she made. Luckily, others came to her defense before they could so she wouldn’t be a victim of cancel culture.

by Ymmmmmmf October 15, 2020

216👍 310👎

Cancel Culture

The culture or active community of people who commit the action of "canceling" someone. To ruin someone's life by getting them de-platformed (banned) off of all social media and have them hated by the majority of humanity. You would do that by finding the tiniest imperfection in their history or a mistake they made. For example a tiny shoplifting crime they'd committed in there past or if they were in the wrong crowd 13 years ago.

Johnny: Oh look what I found according to this article. Michael Ronaldo stole a snickers bar 9 yeas ago.
Timmy: So what.
Johnny: Come on. We're going to go post this on social media and cancel him!
Timmy: Seriously, you're going to be one of those people involved in cancel culture?

by deware May 14, 2023

Cancel Culture

A fake culture made up by faggots so they can be "powerful", since their legs are probably fucking melted rubber when they attempt to stand up and do actual shit. Cancel culture is an act of canceling someone on the internet for their opinion, so the world is a "safer" place. Cancel culture is known for being incredibly racist and homophobic to straight and white people, though cause an 8th ocean made entirely out of tears if someone misspells a name. Cancel culture is also a hell spawn of fatherless children who are spoiled brats and only care about sexuality and sex, because they are whores and pedophiles. For some reason mods like to "suck" their toes.

Internet Dude 1: *replies to cancel culture* Hey, bread isn't purple.

Cancel Culture: How dare you call me "dude"! I am Yulihbageduiah, God of Periwinkle. King of taco-bell, maker of child porn, destroyer of "Nazis" , an Ultimate God. You can't disrespect me. I will cancel you.

Internet Dude 1: bouta get the FBI on this pedophilia shit *calls FBI*
Internet Dudes 2 & 3: What's going on?
Internet Dude 1: bouta teach this mothafucka some goddamn justice

Cancel Culture: You can't call the FBI on me. That's transphobic. I will cancel you all.

Internet Dudes: We have the right to report illegal activity since the dawn of humanity idiot.

Cancel Culture: Well, I have the right to cancel you and call mods. @Mods!

Internet Dudes: 😨 we gonna see weird shit, brace yourself!

Mod: You can't disrespect my princess. Banned!

Internet Dudes: ah shit here we go again.

Mod: I am so CLOSE to losing my virginity. It has been more than 1 x 1010^100 years, and I am still waiting. You will no longer ruin my ultimate goal. I have been incapable to die until I lose my virginity, now I c-

FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Internet Dudes: phew, the FBI got here in time

Cancel Culture and Mod: where my door go 😭

FBI: You are under arrest for being a fucking weirdo.

Mod: WAIT! Lemme lose my virginity first! I have b-

FBI: She's 4 for fucks sake 🥶

Mod: Love is love

& FBI: Hell naw, you getting a life sentence now nigga

GOOD ENDING: The pedophiles got arrested, and justice was served.

by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 20, 2023

Cancel Culture

Some sons of some bitches who literally have the power to cancel someone just because they did something wrong.
Like bro that's not how it works , just because someone did something wrong , doesn't mean that they instantly need to be canceled
This is a joke , but please stop cancelling people just because they did something wrong. If they did something SEVERLY WRONG then you can cancel them.

Random human: *does something wrong*
Everyone in cancel culture: OMG!!! GET CANCELED BITCH!!

by creativename_ October 11, 2022

Cancel Culture


You’re cancelled! Also I don’t have friends
Cancel Culture

by OlaVero November 22, 2021