Source Code

Captain Morgan Crunch

Captain Crunch + Captain Morgan(as milk)
i.e. "The best way to start your morgen"

Captain Morgan Crunch: It's like a party in my mouth and everyone vomited.

by dstrbdchld1328 November 19, 2008

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

captain morgans rum

spiced rum that will make you do fucked up things.

once me, and kaitlyn drank a 2 bottles of captain morgans rum.and I passed out. When I woke up I was laying on this random dudes stomach with my clothes on humping him and kaitlyn.I'll never drink that shit again.

by sarahandkaitlyn July 23, 2008

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Captain Morgan Wipe

The preferred technique for wiping one's ass. One must be nude or pantless for proper execution. After completion of the deuce, you arise, inspect your work, form a satisfied grin on your face, place a bare foot on the still warm seat (striking the Captain Morgan pose) for easy cleaning access, and commence wiping.

My gf caught me in the middle of a Captain Morgan wipe yesterday. I really need to start closing the bathroom door.

by Dan I am February 6, 2010

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Captain Morgan Stance

While masturbating in a bathroom the person puts of of their legs up onto the toilet while ejaculating.

Guy 1:Dude i was ganking my junk in my bathroom and at the end i Captain Morgan Stanced that shit.

Guy 2: No fucking way! The Captain Morgan Stance!

by Conz313 June 12, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Captain Morgans' Revenge

...or rum-hangover.
When you've been drinking rum and waking up with a bad hangover.

bro-tip: Rum goes well with coca-cola.

1person: Wow, I drank so much bacardi and woke up with the worst hangover ever.

2person: Captain Morgan has cast his revenge upon you.

3person: Captain Morgans' Revenge!

by Johannarin May 29, 2011

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Captain Morgan Spiced Bum

When your partner wears a captain’s sailing hat and and sits on your face while you’re chewing Wrigley’s cinnamon gum.

Had some Captain Morgan Spiced Bum last night night

by Stephen Roche March 14, 2022

Captain Morgan Power Jack

The act of placing one's leg up in a way so as to mirror the pose of the 17th-century Welsh privateer of the Caribbean, Sir Henry Morgan while masturbating, without pants, or otherwise miming masturbatory motions as a flex.

"After no-scoping a n00b, they turned to their opponent and did an el cap power jack (Captain Morgan Power Jack) to celebrate the achievement. It was completely uncalled for. "

by El Cappy "Power Jack" Morgan January 17, 2021