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mass carriers

INSTANT WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell yeah...instant win.

Mass carriers 4 life!

Star Craft will beat Halo because mass carriers = instant win!!

by Mass carriers May 4, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

carpet carrier

somebody who walks like they have carpets under both of there arms. There elbows tenced to the sides and there fore arms pointed streight to the floor.

1: "Look at how Bycroft walks, he looks like he's carrying carpets"

2: "Why does Dave walk like ten men?"
"Dunno mate, looks like he's carpet carry'in"

by perp October 4, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Weed Carrier

A member of a group, gang or entourage whose primary purpose is to carry drugs, usually marijuana. Through this job, the leader of the group has no liability in any potential drug related problems.

Damon Stoudamire should make one of the members of his entourage a weed carrier. That way, if the cops stop the entourage, he will not take the downfall.

by Jon "Fitz" Fitzgerald April 14, 2005

313๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mass Carriers

A Carrier is arguably the most powerful unit in the game StarCraft. With enough of them, you can kill God.

Mass Carriers = Instant Win!

by KPT February 24, 2004

58๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

carrier bagging

Two people in the shitter one of them stood in carrier bags so no one can see their feet

Oii yoou wanna come carrier bagging wiink wink tom

by Pumpkin baggers April 1, 2016

Land on the Carrier

To prematurely declare victory.

Also see:

George W. Bush, Iraq War, & "Mission Accomplished"

Student 1: "Well, I think we're almost done"
Student 2: "Woah, woah, woah. We've still got a half a keg to polish off. Let's not land on the carrier just yet"

by Sax_Man September 16, 2009

Newspaper Carrier

Person who gets up at o-dark-thirty and throws newspapers out of a car while driving in circles. Cranky until sleep is had.

Please, tip your newspaper carrier!

by Apryle August 24, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž