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21st century

A crappy era where people only do anything for money. Presidents kill other countries for their things because they don't wanna share with them. Rappers constanly rap about money and women they don't really have and longer for the love of the game. Everything is big buisness and no longer for the fun of it.

Examples of 21st Century crap:
President Geogre W. Bush
50 Cent and Gunit
"The Cookout" and........."Soul Plane"

by Da Master K June 8, 2006

240πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

21st century

21st century is an exact replica of the middle ages where only money, glory, sex, fun, celebrity, and power counts.

Guy 1: Ay, What the f*ck is this 21st century?

Guy 2: Come on Bob, lets buy a time machine.

by Zee Dogg May 27, 2007

106πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Clutch of the Century

An expression used when something unexpected yet wildly exceptional happens. Used to describe a stunning accomplishment.

Friend: Brooo we both got As on our math test!
You: Clutch of the Century!

by LilReza May 1, 2019

Album of the century

An award given to the greatest of the best albums.

Bozo: Changes by Mustin Bieber - album of the century

Person with at least 1 brain cell: no it’s Norman fucking Rockwell by queen mother Lana Del Rey

by bluejeanswhiteshirt February 9, 2022

22nd Century

A term used to describe the period of time between January 1, 2101 and December 31, 2200

What will memes look like in the 22nd Century?

Jimmy was born in the 22nd Century, since his date of birth is May 21, 2170

by Clarksons Malarkes December 27, 2018

Century Man

A man who has slept with at least one hundred different women over the course of his life.

Note: Sleeping with hookers, pre-teens, or family members does not count towards the title of "Century Man."

Dave: I just won the Pulitzer Prize for my new novel!

Jim: Yeah? Well I banged your girlfriend last night and now I'm a Century Man.

Dave: Damn... I wish I was as cool as you.

by a_pimp_among_pimps October 8, 2010

understatement of the century

something said that states the obvious, often falling short of the truth.

guy 1: Bush was a sucky president.
guy 2: That's the understatement of the century.

by yellowcurvedhead March 27, 2010

23πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž