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"The Common Color Changin Lizard or King Koopa,The mix tape Masiah";Usually wrecks with The Chick Magnet,Paul Wall

Here Lizard Here Lizard It's King Koopa

by Xscape January 14, 2004

255๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


also known as the color chanigin lizard.
he repps OUR hometown houston texas!!!
he usualy raps with paul wall...
THE best rapper out there and the future or hip hop...
he takes a strong stand against hating..
in my opinion ridin is his best song..

fuck the fucking haters!!!!
said and still says chamillionaire

by jc from h-town November 11, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


one of the best rappers out there right now. his new album The Sound of Revenge is sick. i recommend buying it.

Chamillionaire's album The Sound of Revenge is worth buying. Don't download it.

by J 0 K A February 20, 2006

181๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


To all the dumbasses that call him a Wanksta:

Chamillionaire grew up in notoriously dangerous inner-city neighborhood in North Houston called Acres Homes

chamillionaire is the shit

by aguynamedandy February 7, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


an excited yes or an excited agreement

"lets go get some food"
"chamillionaire that"

by Kevin and Kevin July 22, 2006

88๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.another Rap artist who supports the death of hip-hop

2.his utter fakeness and crappy lyrics about money,females and slangin make hip hop worse than it already was

3.made a chorus "they see me rollin,they hatin" which is sung mostly by white 12 year olds who dont know JACK about REAL hip hop

You: Chamillionaire is the greatest,he makez TEH RIDIN DERRTY

Me: wanna see who really is the greatest? listen to Ice Cube,2pac,KRS-One,MC-Ren and Eazy-e you fuckin 11 yr old who dosent know jack about hip hop and who started it

by tha truth teller May 8, 2006

155๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž


i dont wanna sound like a hater. bu here is MY 2 CENTS!
CHAMILIONAIRE is a wanksta. he claims that he smokes this and drinks that. but as a fact he was raised christian and dosent drick shit but cranberry juice. and smokes nothing peroid. and wht is this he chills with paul wall? paul wall is another fag! he is a fucking 30 year old guy wearing wht looks like braces. PPL GET THE FACT THT MOST PPL DONT LOOK GOOD IN GRILLES. the only rapper tht looks good with grilles is young buck. and i dont even think he is young anymore.
lastly i knoe all u "yes men" are just goin with the flow. "chamillionaire is sooo cool, cuz my buddy says he is". as lloyd banks says "all u yess men can kiss my ass". chamillionaire is a wanksta. and paul wall. ur white ass shouldent b rappin. the only good white rapper is Eminem. im not bein raciest so dont reply callin me a raciest. im waiting for the next great white rapper.

chamillionaire is a fag who pretends to b cool. u proably onl;y heard "ridin dirty" and think he is the best. if u listen to the rest of "sound of revenge" it is only a satisfactory album. now if u wanna hear a goiod album. dont get "the re-up", get encore. tht shit kills evrything. now thn to all u yes men. kiss my ass! -lloyd banks

by sears optical January 15, 2007

81๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž