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Crappy OS made by Google

<Random Guy> Congrats, you get to win a free laptop! Chromebook or a Mac?

<Winner> Wow, Chromebook fucking sucks, Mac please.

by Google Lover March 21, 2013

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A laptop that looks fancy, but really is useless trash.

The school's chromebooks suck!

Why isn't my chromebook touchscreen?

by September 14, 2020

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A laptop that is a waste of money. It's the type of laptop that you will give to your kid if you dislike him.
Chromebooks are just as good as a brick. All chromebooks and do is be used as a working device and can be best used as a destruction table. Please people, If you want something that will help you game, get a windows 10 or a Macbook. They can do everything that a Chromebook can do and there a 1000 times better than this, i dont even know what to call it.

Mom: Okay son, what do you want for Christmas?
Son: A new HP Chromebook.
Mom: I knew I shouldn't have adopted this human being. "HONEY, WHERE IS THE PAPERWORK?"

by September 6, 2021


An overrated computer that can't run Blender.

Like seriously, you need to install Linux on your Chromebook and then type in a code then delete that code then type in another code, and then...ugh I'll just use my Mac for blender

by dudeboi October 16, 2020


A extremely pricey piece of shit. Mostly given to students by schools, so they can't watch netflix or play games.

Student1: The new chromebooks are shit. I can't even watch f*cking netflix on it.
Student2: ikr

by Foxsi! August 27, 2017


A "computer" without a hard drive and working battery. They are very cheap but can barely do anything. They run on Chrome OS which sucks. Most Chromebook screens are as useful as books, hints the name chromeBOOK. Many schools which can't afford real computers give the students Chromebooks instead.

Tip: Do not buy.

My Chromebook can't install Fortnite!

by RECA.V January 10, 2019

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A piece of shit. Slow machine used by slow people.
-Bill Gates

"I would be gaming right now, but my computer is such a Chromebook!"

by Philliam Definitions September 19, 2023