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Classroom Roulette

When you aren't sure what class you have and walk in to one or the other without checking your timetable.

What class have you got next?

I'm not sure, just going to play Classroom Roulette.

by Sandleton August 24, 2011

classroom agility

The ability to move quickly and easily in the classroom.
The ability to think and understand quickly in the classroom.

Walking around the classroom while teaching with my computer helps me to demonstrate classroom agility.
I need to be able to demonstrate classroom agility to keep control of my sixth grade class.

by dlo813 April 12, 2017

Classroom 408

A large computer concentration camp where children were forced to commit to eating and doing bedrock. However held by a nice teacher, it is still said, the horrors of Classroom 408 will forever haunt, some mentioning it’s similar to the beings of Auswitz and or a Gulag. It was held by Abraham Lincoln however enforcing the thought of communism. However, there were some good instances in the classroom, like the writing of all the novels of the buchan mafia and the bullying of tadas valincius, an unknown (thought to be) potential paedophile.

Wow, I love learning about Classroom 408. It brings me joy.

by JakubPPE July 12, 2019

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Google Classroom

A program that teachers use to post assignments for students. All students hate it until their school switches to schoology. After that everyone loves google classroom again.

Person 1: "I hate google classroom"
Principle: "We are switching to schoology"

Person 1: "I love google classroom and miss it so much, can we bring it back."

by Squiffer_Attack October 13, 2020

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Classroom Meme

A saying, phrase, idea, or action that randomly springs up in a class conversation that is echoed and used as a joke by the people in that class.

It is usually something that other classes will not understand and when mentioned in a group, only a small portion will get it.

Its basically an inside joke that the whole class gets.

"Cristina told a hot tub joke at lunch today, and all the med term kids cracked up while everyone else was confused at the classroom meme"

"Ty told Corey to 'square it' today in Algebra. Its a classroom meme"

by TheK1ng January 19, 2012

7S Classroom

It's a 7th-grade class with drama and idiots. You are either smart in academics or you just have common sense. You will only have one person in your class that has both of these and tbh you're or was or will be probably not that person. You will always have the pretty popular girl, the loud ugly guy, the nerdy one, or the one guy every girl likes for some reason. One last thing your homeroom teacher is most likely lay-back and nerdy.

Guy: "Why is everyone in that class so idiotic"
Girl: "You do realize you're in the 7S classroom too..."

by XoXmeepXoX May 5, 2020

Classroom Coma

Similar to the Cubicle Coma (See Cubicle Coma) It takes it's toll in the same manner, but you tend to wake up either:

1) directly on the ring of the bell for the end of the period.

2) in time for lunch, or

3) when school ends.

I've had classroom coma even from early childhood. I mainly say this because I was being given a speech by the principal, only to succumb to it, fall asleep, and wake up with out a clue what happened but suddenly ready for anything.

by Sephirion August 29, 2010