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A sexy male and occasionally female. Colby is the best in bed and the ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. Everyone wants to date a Colby because they are all around amazing.

person 1: You're so lucky you are dating Colby .
person 2: I know we have the best sex ever.

by jcsurfbro90 August 29, 2010

830๐Ÿ‘ 556๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy with a huge dick who will treat you right and is often known for being hot smart good with girls and all around good guy

Girl:colby was so nice to me i think i like him
Friend:colbys nice to everyone so why wouldnโ€™t you like him

by Mynameiscolbylol October 16, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A name for a sometimes cool and sometimes annoying male specimen that will out of no where cuss at you or spit on your new purely white-street thug Nike Jordans. May be below average in heighth but extra thiccccch in the pecs. Sometimes this guy will screech at you. Loves caffeine, video games, youtube pewdipie. Has blonde, light brown, or black hair. Memster.

Colby saw a horse smiling.

by Ticity tocity im a stalkerty October 29, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. A young actor, usually in a musical, who is cast in a nonessential ensemble role but learns every other part in the show to replace and/or fill in for any other performer who is unable to perform during any particular performance.

v. (to pull a...) to fill in for a main role at a moment's notice despite not being the understudy/swing for it. This usually implies a success at playing said roll.

adj. used to describe a young, ambitious actor.

(Noun usage) "While his role had no lines and limited stage-time, the young Colby would be at every rehearsal so as to learn the show and see what parts he could fill in for."

(Verbal usage) "They asked the kid to play the part four minutes before curtain, and he played it perfectly!"

"That dude freakin' pulled a Colby!"

(Adjective Usage) "That kid keeps trying to steal my lines!"

"Yeah, he's such a Colby, he doesn't realize how rude that is..."

by Knavery September 2, 2008

177๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž


Colby: (adjective) someone whom expresses homosexuality towards a close friends, but does it ironically. Or not. You can never tell which is why Colbys are the most dangerous life forms out there. One day you'll be bumping chests and watching sports then next thing you know youll have a dick up your ass and You'll like it.

'Shit bro your such a colby ;)))'

by 0nii Chan January 15, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Colby is a shy guy who's true personality shows to his good friends. He's an artist and a writer. He has a love for music and his family. He's pretty docile unless you hurt someone he cares for, then you're gonna get a beat down. Colby always has this wispy, faraway look in his eyes, like he wishes he was somewhere else. His imagination is always running wild with new stories and adventures.

"Look at Colby, he's so dreamy"
"Isn't Colby great at art?"
"My friend Colby is always daydreaming"

by CrackMyEgg March 13, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very awesome, stylish, nerdy girl who lives in the midwest and has a voluptuous posterior.

derived from italian heritage. often mistaken for hispanic.

likes japanese culture, anime/manga, sweet lolita, harry potter, tattoos & piercings.

Girl : Who is that?

Boy : Oh, that's Colby.

by just-another-cheese November 28, 2009

143๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž