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Confession day!

Confess” is a day where you get to express yourself to others and yourself with honesty. Confess your truth’s! Confess anything to anyone you’ve been hiding from. When is “confess day?” October 16th! Or any other day.

It’s time to confess my crush to Lillian.

“It’s confession day! Tell me one of your secrets, and I’ll do the same.”

by IDFKKKKKK October 13, 2018

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confidential confessions

A manga created by Reiko Momochi. So far in the American released versions the stories are base on girls in real life situations like rape, suicide, postitution, bulling, sexual harrassment, drug abuse, desease, stalking and more. The series is from Tokyopop.

In the first volume there are 2 stories, the first is of two girls who plan to commit suicide and a story of a prostitute

by Krystal Manon October 24, 2004

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Unholy Confessions

A really good song by avenged sevenfold

"Dude did you listen to unholy confessions yet?"
"No you fucking metal nerd."

by Synyster Gates. September 4, 2023

fridge confession

When someone is to clumsy to confess their affections to you for you to understand.
When you realize what they wanted, the confession is usually void and worthless by then.

It took me once seven years to understand a fridge confession.

by lonarlunatic September 8, 2010

Depression Confession

When you confess to anyone you’re depressed.

“Hey dude, what were you gonna tell me?” “I’m depressed” “Nani..is that a..Depression Confession?!?!”

by pearl<3 October 30, 2021

Confession fucking

To have sex with A.) a Nun whilst in a coffesion booth, or B.) a Priest whilst in the confession booth

A.) Ey' dude I was in church yesterday, and I gave this nun a good confession fucking!

B.) I was in church three days ago and you wont believe it but, my priest confession fucked me!

by Bob Fritz August 6, 2006

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confession pad

a writing pad that can be found at any police precinct's interrogation room...it is used by the police to get the perp to confess the crime that he is accussed of by writing everything out on paper, (on the confession pad), everything that makes him guilty of any crime that he is accused of...

sort of like a scetch or doodling pad...

Police: Write everything down on this confession pad...

Perp: OK, i'll tell you everything i know...

by blthrskt May 5, 2009

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