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Cornish Hen

A Cornish hen is when both partners spread their cheeks apart and press their butts together. One partner transfers fecal matter into the other partner, and vice versa until all the starting person has not only their own feces transferred back into themselves, they also have their partners feces inside them as well. You then baste the hen put it in the oven, or in actual terms, bust a nut on the stuffed bird and put them in the sun. It's called a Cornish hen because it resembles stuffing a Cornish hen before putting it in the oven.

I would much rather Cornish Hen her before I Chili Dog her.

by Corinater_of_Cornishes June 26, 2018

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cornish pasty

a yummy pastie thing from cornwall, however the addictive things can often be found in other places in the united Kingdom, however do not be fooled for Cornish pasties are tricky little creatures you buy one and 5 seconds later their gone! where'd it go you ask, well look at the person sitting next to you for the stole it from you for its yummy tastyness!

Brittany:have you ever had a cornish pasty
Meg: wats that
Brittany: stupid americans

by the crazed Engliophyle who can't spell May 19, 2005

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Cornish Guilt

Guilt over stealing someones cornish pasty and/or other pastry related food items

Guilt over murdering someone from Cornwall

I totally killed a hitchiker in Cornwall, I've never felt such Cornish guilt

by EarlOfCanterbury November 2, 2010

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Cornish Pasty

The oldest known form of contraception first implemented by 16th century Welsh settlers to Cornwall. Now a tasty lunch-time snack.

"Evelyn's pregnant again word is Clarence was going at it and his meat broke out of the pastry",
"Oh Egbert you tell such elaborate stories"

by Thank albert smoota for this one! February 24, 2005

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cornish hen

A sexual position, similar to the missionary position, for very plain looking people having very plain sex. Little to no movement is involved.

The female lies on her back with her knees slightly raised towards her mid section, with her arms by her sides. Lying alone, she resembles a pre-cooked cornish hen. The man then rests his slightly overweight body between her legs and patiently thrusts into her.

Troy: Gross. I think Lenny is in there giving Pearl the old fashioned cornish hen.

Zack: But I don't hear anything.

Troy: Exactly.

by pantsman79 January 25, 2008

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Gary cornish

When you put your middle finger and ring finger in a girl and make her squirt

Last night I Gary cornishedher!!

by 10bears March 6, 2017

Cornish Split

A sex act, only performed between cousins or close relatives

Oo ah my lover, fancy a Cornish Split?

by Dicktionary Corner January 1, 2021