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Patrick Costelloe

Quite literally the definition of handsome. There is no one more amazing and gorgeous than this man. My heart literally melts when he looks at me. I immediately have 5 million orgasms at once when he kisses me.

Patrick Costelloe is a sex god. 100000000/10

by BladeAttack December 8, 2022

Danny Costelloe

Cute guy with a nice cologne on everyday and likes girls who smell nice and listen to r&b and have a fat ass and brown hair

Danny Costelloe is so sexy and smells so nice

by Olivia.Erceg69 November 22, 2021

Paul Costello

A man who is built like moto moto

“Oh he built like a Paul Costello

by Mythix July 3, 2022

Anthony costello

To succeed despite low intelligence; to pull a Anthony Costello.

"I won the lottery, Jim!"
"Wow, you really pulled an Anthony Costello."

by knewgfownofi909 October 24, 2022

andrew costello


1-Your a Andrew Costello

2-I’m gonna lose me job

by YA BOY BILLY August 15, 2021

Costello Cut-out

Similar to an "Irish Exit", the Costello Cut-out involves leaving a party or social gathering without saying goodbye, but shuffling your feet on the way out.

Gary : Hey where did Johnny Boy go?
Mike : I don't know, he was just here laughing and having fun. Then he disappeared.

--30 minutes later--
Gary : I think he gave us the Costello Cut-out.
Mike : Yea, shuffled right out on us.

by Richard Hasherpes December 7, 2013

Matthew Costello

Someone who impulsively does an act of desperation out of pure lust. A simp but slightly more unhinged.

Matthew Costello: My gf (anika) who lives 7 and a half hours away broke up with me for the 6th time this week!

*proceeds to drive 7 and a half hours for the 6th time that week* (repeat this cycle every week 6 times)

by farm_merge_valley_lover August 17, 2024