Source Code

DBA Shower

The average shower a database Administrator (DBA) takes prior to showing up and sucking at their respective job. Which consists of excessive amounts of cologne/body spray to hide the fact they have not showered in weeks, and wreak of curry.

Tim: Lets hit the bar after hockey practice

Joe: No way Ill smell like total ass bro

Tim: Just take a DBA shower

Joe: Good idea, bitches love Axe Body spray

by DuBsquared June 12, 2013

3đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž

DBA (Dickish by Association)

Following in the act of someone who is acting like a dick.

Aaron always likes to be a dick, sometimes Michael follows Aaron when he is being a dick, therefore Michael is DBA (Dickish by Association)

by th4t5thew4y1t15 April 16, 2014

DBA (Den Bosniske Arbejdshest)

DBA (Den Bosniske Arbejdshest), in english, TBA (The Bosnian Workhorse)

A man, machine, or horse, with an astonishing work ethic, capacity, and ability. Often outworks and outperforms others.

The desired results were not delivered, so management hired the DBA (Den Bosniske Arbejdshest), and the desired results were achieved.

by Fan of DBA (Rikke H.) February 17, 2023


Don't be a slut

He's so cute!!!
Hey...DBAS. It's date 1.

by Whatchawatching May 28, 2022


Dumb Bitch Alert
D stands for dumb

B stands for bitch
And A stands for Alert

Oh god we have a DBA

by Mr.Wubbzy March 29, 2021


don’t be ashamed , it means that don’t meant do not, be means be, ashamed means embarrassed about it

“Yo that guy eats shit” - John

“This is to the guy who eats shit, DBA BUCKEROO” -me

by LOVE YALLL DBA March 8, 2023


Abbreviation for dirty booty ass

John: Yeah so my sandwich fell on the ground but I ate it anyway.
Gary: Eww DBA!

by MarcusDan34 December 14, 2019