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Down. To. Romp.

an expression used when a person is ready for a smanging.

Kiki: Who are you taking to prom Nikhil?
Nikhil: I don't know, probably Elana cause she seems DTR
Edgar: ....DTR? you mean DTF?
Nikhil: No, DTR. Down to romp. It's much classier
Edgar & Kiki: Ohhhh.

by esauce April 7, 2011

15πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


means down to rally. Used when referring to getting absolutely shit faced, this saying usually ends up in one having the time of their life.

Person A: Whats going on tonight?!
Person B: No clue yet, you know I'm always DTR though!

by Mariski May 16, 2011

15πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


define the relationship

Stacy: "Have you guys DTRed yet?"

Kelly: "No I'm too nervous."

by dickonfire July 29, 2016

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Determine the Relationship.

How is it going with Donna? Oh she wants to have the DTR tonight

by mccrabbie March 30, 2016

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Define the Relationship

I was kinda confused on where we were in our relationship so i was all like, "yo... DTR"

by PuffDaddyPeete January 29, 2016

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Down to rumble.

Coach: β€œAre you guys ready for this game?”
Players: β€œYeah coach, we’re DTR”

by pattyice June 23, 2018

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Dick The Rectum. A trendy way to say that one is participating in anal penetration. Past tense: dicked the rectum

Last night my boyfriend was acting strange, I think I need to let him DTR so he’ll stay with me.

by coochgobbler August 3, 2019

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