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Damiano Burger

1. A disgusting looking sandwich
2. Something a person named Damiano would eat

Oktay: „Dude, that sandwich looks nasty.“

Fabian: „IKR, such a Damiano Burger lmao.“

by justpro0 December 25, 2019

1👍 1👎


Someone who is not funny.

Christopher: Με πηρε κανεις τηλ?
Damianos: Ναι ρε, ο μπουλος, ειπε να τον παρεις.

by Letsameme December 3, 2022


Someone who is not funny

Christopher: Με πηρε κανεις σας τηλ?
Damianos: Ναι ρε, ο μπουλος, ειπε να τον παρεις.

by Letsameme December 3, 2022


Spanish slang for pedophile

Oh god, that Damianos is scoping out the playground again!

by LaCucarachaLuchaLibre March 24, 2020


Your short Italian looking friend who says he's always busy because of sports when in reality he's too lazy to get up from bed.

Damiano is a ********

by Arnold Shooestaker October 28, 2021


A guy who is the funniest and strongest guy you ever seen.He is the Hercules of our time.

You look so strong you must be a Damiano

by NANObig January 2, 2017


Damianos is a fucking god. His cock is at least 18 inches long and he can pull any girl he want. He is a professional at every sport and no one can beat him. Everybody likes him and he is also very good looking, strong and intelligent.

"Hey, who is this over there?"
"That's Damianos, don't you already know him??"
"No, but that's probably why I find him so attractive!!"

by Triple_Damian0s November 23, 2021