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Demi Lovato

The only talented star on disney channel. She has mean to compared to Miley Cyrus but unlike that skank, she can actually sing, and unlike Selena Gomez, she isn't overly-perfect and goodie-two-shoes.
She is also a pretty good actress, and is a great rolemodel who doesn't take pictures of herself semi-naked like Miley, Vanessa Hudgens and Adrienne Bailon.
She has good taste in music, which is rare for a 16 year old girl, especially one on the disney channel.
She is hated by stupid teenyboppers for playing alongside the fag Joe Jonas.
She deserves more credit and should leave Disney.

Mother: I've banned my daughter from watching Hannah Montana because that Miley Cyrus is such a slut. I do like that Demi Lovato girl though.

Normal Person: Shut up, atleast she has talent. Something 'your man' is lacking in.

by ironmaidenftwthough July 23, 2009

170๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

The only girl who joined Disney that chose to be herself. She isn't some little pop music robot. She is a rocker with a loud, amazing voice similar to Christina Aguilera. She is different from other Disney girls. Unlike Miley Cyrus, she isn't dressing like a whore to leave Disney, and unlike Selena Gomez she doesn't dump her friends. She is the most talented and will go far. Demi is hated for being different and dating Joe Jonas. After their break up, she changed one word in her song, though Joe Jonas did this three times before. Demi in her own way is leaving Disney.

"Why don't you just stick to tambourine?"


by Demi Lovato Fan July 7, 2010

131๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

A 19 year old former Disney Star. Last year, she went to rehab for an eating disorder, self-harm, and was diagnosed as bipolar. She has recovered and come back stronger than ever. Her third album, Unbroken was released in September 2011. Her first single off the album, Skyscraper became very popular and was even played on the radio. She recently won a People's Choice Award for Best Pop Artist! Demi is an inspiration to all teenage girls. She has a beautiful, healthy body no matter what people say. Demi has remained down to earth through it all and should be admired for her strength to conquer her personal issues.

"Did you see Demi Lovato's new tattoos?

Yeah it says Stay Strong on her wrists! She is my idol!

"Oh my gosh, how great is Demi Lovato's new album?"

Sooooo good! I love her new single Give Your Heart a Break!

by smileyface33 January 14, 2012

77๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

A girl who is beautiful and perfect just the way she is. All you urban dictionary haters have constantly made fun of her hair, smile, teeth, voice, etc., and that is just a cruel thing to do.
How would you feel if stupid people posted crap about you online?
Or made fun of you for being in rehab because you are trying to fix your problems, is that something that should be fun of? NO.
Part of the reason why she is in rehab is probably because of people like you! She should have a right to love herself just like you guys!

She is beautiful and talented, she may have her flaws, but so does everyone else on this planet.

Person 1-Hey look at that girl, shes beautiful!
Person 2- Yeah, she looks like Demi Lovato!

by Anti Cookie-Cutter June 4, 2011

86๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is an 18 year old singer/songwriter and actress. Who works for disney and hollywood records. She is loved by millions all over the world for her beauty, style, voice and talent. Her most populer roles are Mitchie Torres in Camp rock and Camp Rock 2 and Sonny Munroe in Sonny a Chance. She is also know for her work with charities mainly for teens who are bullyed, for she was a victim of bulling as well.
She also has a unique style to her songs and almost all of them are writen about somebody in her life.
She also dated Joe Jonas for a while much to Joe fans dismay and Jemi fans delight.
In November of 2010 she checked into a treatment centre to deal with self harming and an eating disorder.
She is now out and is on the road to recovery.

Now she is a contributing editor to seventeen mag.
Demi Lovato is my idol and if you don't like her... well you need to be in a nut house because you have problems. Plus if you don't like her... why are you looking her up?!?

Demi hater: Lets see... Demi Lovato new single? (Types) Most likely filled with rubbish lyrics and poor tunes.
Demi Lover: Don't talk to demi like that! She had millions of fans would would likely rip you up!
Demi hater: Well good look getting past the gates because im in a mental institution!! HAHA!!!
Demi Lover: For a good reason!! DEMI RULES!!! Long live lovatics!!!

by Sonny/Demi/MusicLover2011 May 8, 2011

94๐Ÿ‘ 146๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

The most beautiful girl in the world who has a talented voice and is just amazing.

Hey! I finally got Demi Lovato's new CD today!

by Lovaticxx October 15, 2011

95๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

A celebrity who made millions of dollars lying about her sobriety.

Hey I'm going to Demi Lovato myself!

I'm gonna pretend I don't use coke and sell a bunch of albums and talk about how bad coke is, but still use it.

by Demilovatotruth March 9, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž