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A person who has compassion for all.
A person who stands tall in his/her convictions but listens to the ideas and beliefs of others.
A person who is accepting of his/her gay neighbors.
A person who recognizes that it is a woman's right to decide what she does with her uterus.
A person who strives for diversity and equality in the workforce.
A person who respects the religions of others.
A person who respects women as well as men.
A person who respects people of color as well as white people.
A person who opposes the death penalty because it is often faulty, because targets mainly minorities, and becauae utilizing it causes us to sink to the level of the criminal.
A person who believes that healthcare should be accessible for all.
A person who helps others.

She just donated a month's worth of her income to that worthy charity. She's a democrat!

by I Detest The Donald April 4, 2016

1063๐Ÿ‘ 4132๐Ÿ‘Ž


A party that believes in good programs such as social welfare and universal healthcare, but lacks the balls to put it forward.

Democrat: Lets help the poor!
Republican: No
Democrat: Ok! Please don't hurt me!

by Solaron December 31, 2010

1175๐Ÿ‘ 8748๐Ÿ‘Ž


The voter with the highest amount of "informed-ness." Less informed voters believe they can affect anything by not participating in voting or doing the equivalent with a third party. While significantly less informed voters vote Republican or worse.

The democrat voted for Barrack Obama in 2012.

by TheHTMLFlamewarrior July 29, 2016

1029๐Ÿ‘ 8403๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Democrat is a hard working American person who does not want to see their tax dollars go to the rich. They think that money should be worked for and that the government should not give to the rich. <period>

We Democrats are the ONLY TRUE Christians on the planet. Since we believe in taking care of those who are in need and do so without malice in our hearts. We are not trying to make brownie points from a God that republicans know nothing about. We do not attend church to be seen, make backroom deals or see who we can take advantage of.

It's funny that ONLY at election time will the republicans bring up the topics of abortion and homosexuality and beg for money from fellow haters. Of course bush was in office for 8 years and we still have abortion and homosexuality. LOL The republican will beat their 15 year old daughter for getting pregnant, make her get an abortion and blame the Democrats. While the underage unmarried pregnant daughter of a Democrat will be loved by her family, the baby may be raised by the familiy or adopted to a familiy. Who perhaps are unable to have children.

Democrats, the true children of God can not understand the hate, anger and vile that spews from the mouth of a republican.

Democrats believe in personal privacy rights, protection of civil liberties, protection of the enviornment, health care, education, welfare and a tax system that does not favor the rich.

by A Sunday School Teacher February 6, 2011

1033๐Ÿ‘ 7707๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who is willing to sacrifice personal safety for their countrymen because everyone, not just some, deserve justice and equality.

Republican: Did you hear about the soldier that jumped on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers?
Democrat: Yes. He was a Democrat, and they were all Republicans.

by Liberal Combat Vet September 7, 2010

1039๐Ÿ‘ 3604๐Ÿ‘Ž


The better educated of the two major political parties. Democrats have reasonal beleifs such as,
-a fair tax system where the rich are taxed more and the middle class get tax cuts
-personal privacy rights ex. abortion and gay marriage
-civil rights
-numerous government programs such as medicare, medicaid, social security, welfare
-close government regulation of business
-extensive funding for government programs and public education
-war only when absolutely neccesary
-separation of church and state

F.D.R.Barrack ObamaJ.F.K.Bill ClintonDemocrat

by poopygrass675 June 20, 2010

1057๐Ÿ‘ 8416๐Ÿ‘Ž


of the 2 major political parties in America, this party or its politicians have a variety of bullshit, that although at times distressing, is often mixed with initiatives that actually prove helpful to people based on what appears to be a genuine concern for the citizenry. Democrat's bullshit is unique for being generally non-virulent to humanity at large and is thus tolerable in comparison to the bullshit of any other group which has historically wielded a similar level of political influence. The bullshit of Democrats is thus regrettable but rarely if ever dangerous. This is exceptionally noteworthy, as the necessary evil of politics by its very nature draws out humanity's most vulgar, deceitful, hycpocritical, duplicitous, oppressive, sanctimonious, arrogant, and self-serving interests and personalities. Luckily in America, these unsavory qualities have concentrated themselves to a truly extraordinary level in the Republican party, so that one who wishes to avoid these virulent and intolerable forms of bullshit can easily do so by supporting Democrats or any viable 3rd party (OK, OK... that little joke about 3rd parties was just to see if you're still reading), and vigilantly opposing Republicans and/or documenting the afforementioned evils inherent in any political system (I know that last part is redundant, since Republicans are themselves typically the evils in the system).

Democrat bullshit: One man gets a blow-job from a 21 year old woman. He doesn't admit it until the imminent potential for DNA evidence to back up the woman's story embarrasses him enough to confess.

Republican bullshit: Far too vile and lengthy a list to go into, but perhaps its most dangerous and virulent outbreaks in recent memory include submitting forged documents to the entire world in order to bolster a "rally to unnecessary war in Iraq" campaign based on blind ideology, a series of deliberate deceptions, and the unethical intimidation of professional intelligence officers, rather than on pragmatic realities. This served to destroy America's credibility and drastically weaken the War on Terror. Worst of all, it has so far resulted in the deaths of at least 1600 American troops, many thousands more American troops severely maimed and scarred for life, as well as 10's of 1000's of ordinary Iraqis whose "liberation" from their brutal dictator came in the form of death by American armaments for no good reason, and at a price tag of well over $300 BILLION dollars, with no end in sight! (incidentally, less than 3% of that total could completely update America's schools for the 21st century, a modest portion could have funded all the research we need to make alternative energy commercially viable so we can be truly independent and tell the Islamic wackos to shove their oil up their ass, and still have a boatload of cash left over for whatever you want to do with it - pay down the deficit, invest in Social Security, or anything else!!)

by FunkyBumpkin April 29, 2005

1304๐Ÿ‘ 8512๐Ÿ‘Ž