A very serious mental illness/disorder. That is hard to get through but many people can do it. You just have to keep going. You can be having the best time of your life, and it will still be there. The guilt, the anxiety, the hate, the disgust. It is horrible and absolute hell to go through. I suffer from depression and I have for years. I have been diagnosed aswell. But they're is still people who dont believe or who use the word depression like it's just sadness. It's not a feeling!
Depression is real and serious
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Everyone around you is breathing so easily, and you sit alone gasping for air. No one bothers to check if you need help because why would you? why would anyone need help with all this air? And you keep on choking and gasping watching everyone breathing easily.
person1:Do you think there is something wrong with her? like depression maybe?
person 2:Why would there be? Life is so good!
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A clinical condition caused by an imbalance in the levels of Serotonin in the brain.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain which is responsible for feelings of wellbeing and contentment. A decline in the level of Serotonin present in the brain causes severe feelings of anxiousness, lethargy, tiredness and a prolonged sadness.
Depression is a lasting condition, and is not to be confused with being an emo wanker who sits around slashing up for attention.
Emos are milking the whole depression card. They're ruining the seriousness of the issue, much like they ruined checkers, skating and punk music.
If you know of somebody that is legitimately depressed, tell them to seek medical help.
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Often confused with sadness.
Depression is extreme sadness prolonged over an abnormal period of time. You lose interest in the things you used to enjoy participating in, and detach yourself from the ones you love.
Sadness is momentarily being upset or effected by something.
John used to love hanging out with his friends and playing baseball, but ever since his mother passed away, he sank into a depression and didn't enjoy these things anymore.
10๐ 2๐
This subject is not a joke
Depression is when someone is depressed
most causes of depression are
a loved one dying
having thoughts that upset them
get bullied at school or at his job
a recent break up
and etc.....
If you're someone who has a family member who's depressed then please help them before its to late....
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Symptons of depression:
1~sadness, tearfulness, crying, frequently showing pervasive sadness by wearing black clothes, writing poetry with morbid themes, or having a preoccupation with music that has nihilistic themes. Also, crying for no apparent reason.
2~hopelessness feeling that life is not worth living or worth the effort to even maintain their appearance or hygiene. They may believe that a negative situation will never change and be pessimistic about their future.
3~less interest in activities; or not enjoying previously favorite activities dropping out of clubs, sports, and other activities. Not much seems fun anymore.
4~persistent boredom; low energy Lack of motivation and lowered energy level is reflected by missed classes or not going to school. A drop in grade averages can be equated with loss of concentration and slowed thinking.
5~social isolation, poor communication lacking connection with friends and family. avoiding family gatherings and events. Teens who used to spend a lot of time with friends may now spend most of their time alone and without interests. not sharing feelings with others, believing that you are alone in the world and no one is listening to you or even cares about you.
6~low self esteem and guilt assuming blame for negative events or circumstances. you may feel like a failure and have negative views about their competence and self-worth. you feel as if you are not "good enough."
7~extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure believing that you are unworthy, becoming even more depressed with every supposed rejection or lack of success.
8~increased irritability, anger, or hostility often irritable, taking out most of the anger on your family. you may attack others by being critical, sarcastic, or abusive. you may feel u must reject ur family before their family rejects them.
9~difficulty with relationships you may suddenly have no interest in maintaining friendships. you'll stop calling and visiting their friends. u also may have lost a loved one or had a bad relationship with ur bf/gf
10~frequent complaints of physical illnesses, such as headaches and stomachaches complaining about lightheadedness or dizziness, being nauseous, and back pain. Other common complaints include headaches, stomachaches, vomiting, and menstrual problems.
11~frequent absences from school or bad performance in school causing trouble at home or at school. Because u may not always seem sad, parents and teachers may not realize that the behavior problem is a sign of depression.
12~poor concentration having trouble concentrating on schoolwork, following a conversation, or even watching television.
13~a major change in eating and/or sleeping patterns Sleep disturbance may show up as all-night television watching, having a hard time getting up for school, or sleeping during the day. Loss of appetite may become anorexia or bulimia. Eating too much may result in weight gain and obesity.
14~talk of or efforts to run away from home Running away is usually a cry for help. This may be the first time the parents realize that their child has a problem and needs help.
15~thoughts or expressions of suicide or self-destructive behavior saying u want to be dead or talk about suicide.
16~alcohol and Drug Abuse using alcohal or other drugs as a way to feel better.
17~self-injury having difficulty talking about their feelings may show their emotional tension, physical discomfort, pain and low self-esteem with self-injurious behaviors, such as cutting.
The definition explains alot.
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Something which someone goes through because of difficulties they are having in life.
People stereotype 'goths' of having depression. Not all 'goths' have depression. Anyone could have it. Don't stereotype.
"She was suffering from depression, so she went and saw a councillor to release all her feelings and anger."
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