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Hipster Disaster

When some type of hipster activity goes terribly wrong. An epic fail in the hipster lifestyle.

Hipster Disaster on the way to work my chain fell off my fixie.

I had a major Hipster Disaster this morning, the line for my morning latte was a block long.

The barista at the Blue Bottle got his beard stuck in the latte foamer, total Hipster Disaster.

by sveesible August 30, 2012




1. A sudden occurance causing great loss of life.

2. A major misfortune, mishap or failure, that effects a number of people.

3. When words like Disaster or Catastrophe just won't describe the situation well enough.

Quote from Ted Bear: "Your on an international flight, and the {Bastard's gone dodgy. Perhaps an albertross with poor eyesight has confused your plane engine for a mate, and smacks RIGHT INTO IT, mucking up your one snug commute into a spiral Disaster-tastrophe."

by Granadier92 August 31, 2011

human disaster

(noun) a person who despite proficiency, respectability and intelligence in many or all areas of their life manages to appear as if they have never heard of any of those things; the effect is a general combination of the hilarious, the ridiculous, the facepalm-inducing and the absolutely adorable.

Usually used in reference to public personalities i.e. actors, celebrities, authors etc.

Wait did he really just say that on television? Oh my god he's such a human disaster.

by detectivejane January 22, 2014

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Cathay Disaster

When you gamble in lose during a trans-Pacific flight.

We had just crossed the international date line when I had a Cathay Disaster and shit my pants. The flight attendant told me to never trust a fart in Asia

by undiesj October 12, 2011

Hindenberg Disaster

After a male ejaculates into a condom, he carefully removes it and then blows it up to blimp size. He then violently shakes the blimp until it explodes leaving the girl covered in baby batter. While she is speechless you must scream out: "Oh the humanity!".

The condom ruptured in an awesome Hindenberg Disaster leaving Cindy with a mask of semen.

by Good Ole' Rog March 3, 2009

31👍 3👎

disaster porn

Noun. When the media puts horrific or tragic images on a 24 hour loop, constantly driving them into your head, and then refers to the events portrayed as an "unspeakable tragedy" . .. .despite the fact that they have four different talking heads analyzing it 24 hours a day. Often times disaster porn is used to generate financial support. Most commonly associated with 9/11, where every mention of the "terrorist outrage" was followed by an infomercial for NYPD t-shirts and American flag bumper stickers.

"This is just horrible. I can't even bear to look." Said Geraldo Rivera as he rewound the disaster porn tape of the World Trade Center collapsing for the 10,000th time that day. "Buy 'I LOVE AMERICA' bumper stickers and NYPD hats now!"

by Dylan Niles October 25, 2007

169👍 30👎

walking disaster

A person prone to accidents

Guy 1: Dang did you hear about what happened to Ashley the other day?
Guy 2: Yeah heard she fell down the stairs. That girl's a walking disaster.

by youissmart February 4, 2016