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Griswoldian Christmas Display

From the 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation' movie character, Clark Griswold and his overdone Christmas lights display.

Any obscenely over-the-top holiday lights display on someone's home. Often done in an insanely competitive, anti- "peace on Earth, goodwill towards men" desire to outdo and one-up the neighbors.

Jack: Dude, you're late for work again. And you've been looking like hell lately. What's up?

Shawn: I haven't had any sleep in days. My neighbor's Griswoldian Christmas display is so freakin' bright it's been keeping me up all night. AND it's draining so much power it caused a black out in my neighborhood last night, so my alarm clock didn't go off!

by Wasabi-Woman December 8, 2009

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Public display of affection

Couples operate in public areas, and they display affection such as holding hands, kissing etc. They do this to rub it in single people's faces that they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

'Woh. There's some serious PDA goin on here. I wish they'd bugger off, they're makin me depressed.'

by Mary November 25, 2003

224πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

public displays of affection

Romantic body language and/or
passionate physical interaction between lovers in full public view. When over-used or too graphic, can be indicative of an insecure couple in an unstable relationship. PDA exhibitionism is used by many couples to prove their love to onlookers, and to elicit envy.

"Look at those two douchebags and their tacky public displays of affection, playing tonsil hockey over there like a couple of ferrets in heat. Get a room!

by cocoa puffz April 14, 2006

38πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


boobs, ass, "the goods."

At the photo shoot, the model was scantily-clad, and was undoubtedly displaying her wares. The photographer was packin' more meat than a slaughterhouse!

by weave October 7, 2003

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

digital display of affection

A digital display of affection (DDA) is when someone displays their affection for another through the use of social media.

Nicholas: β€œDid you see Lew’s recent instagram post about his new girlfriend Gabby?”

Kimberly: β€œoh yeah, it was a total DDA”

Nicholas: β€œwhats a DDA?”

Kimberly: β€œA digital display of affection. #GetARoom”

by Blue Suede February 4, 2018

The page cannot be displayed

Something my browser is getting too often now. This may occur when you are not connected to the Internet, the page no longer exists or your ISP is a bitch.

My ADSL is fucking up.

by Bastardized Bottomburp November 12, 2003

38πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

public display of erection

This is when you get an awkward boner in public. It's usually induced by some hot chick sitting next to you.

Nick got a public display of erection when Kayla sat next to him in class.

by CowManCheeseBall September 26, 2014