besides being coined by rob and big .to put in work is to commit a cime either to benifit urself or ur group.
hey john we slangin that once 2nite?
ya we doin work 2 nite.
hey tim this guys mouthin me im bout to do work on him.
ya i do work
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A more fun way of saying, "do work." Most often used when hitting on a girl.
Riley: You see that hot chick over there?
Dan: You know I do, brozay.
Riley: I'm gonna go clock in and do work on her.
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To take a shit on someones face, rub it in, then to pee on their head, and then punch them in the face repetedley while fucking there wife, and girlfriend.
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A phrase used in the In The Groove (ITG) dance game community that is used to express the idea that they have scored well on a song or have streamed 16ths at a fast BPM.
"Dude, I just quaded Energizer!"
"Do work, son!"
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to do work, do you, do what you need to do, to get it done. Basically the urban verson of "Get R Done" orginated by larry the cable guy. "do the work" is used frequently on the show Rob & Big.
Dietitian: "by that time do you usually feel overstuffed?"
Big Black: "Nah by then its usually time to take a dump. its time to do the work."
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A: What are you doing?
B: I'm just doing some work.
British Slang - noun:
A work social or party with your co-workers arranged at a venue or just the pub or even within the office/workplace.
Usually arranged by someone at work.
1) The christmas work do
2) "Sick and tired of the same old work do's?"
3) Ben: Are you going to the work do this weekend?"
Josh: "Nah, I gotta date with this girl instead"
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