The best floof ball animal ever
anna: *googles doggos* OMFG THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE I WILL DIE! *takes screenshot* I gotta send this to madison *send it to her*
Madison: OMFG cutest floof ball ever!
The perfect fluffy companion, comes in many different breads
Example #1 The mighty chuwawa
Example #2 The bigg German sheper
Boi that's a fluffy doggo
A gif of a doggo getting its tummy rubbed
Another word for dog
Dave: That's such a cute doggo!
Joseph: A cute what?
Dave: A doggo! A dog!
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Guy 1: oh my beebo, look at that doggo
Guy 2: ik it’s so perf
Guy 3: you mongs
Man’s (or woman’s) best friend. ‘Nuff said.
My doggo is the memelord of the century
The generalized description of a furry or haired four legged friend (of a specific variety) that makes a different sound often based on size.
Small: Yarp
Medium: Bork
Large: Boof, Bouf, or Bohf
“That Doggo just borked at me ^.^” after having been borked at by a doggo.
A very retarded and annoying way of saying dog
Person 1: “Aw look at that cute ol’ doggo doin’ a sit”
Person 2 “You sound like a fucking tumor”
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