Source Code

Alabama Donut Hole

When you super glue your penis before inserting it into a vagina or butthole (preferably a family member's), causing the vagina or butthole to go inside out when you pull out. After you turn it inside out, you then use a knife the separate the skin from your penis.

Oh yeah me and my sister did the alabama donut hole

by bigbbbbbbbbbb February 28, 2024

donut with a hole in it

a donut with a hole you idiot

yooo have you seen the new donut with a hole in itttt

by chungus big July 27, 2020

Boston Cream Donut Hole

When you jizz in a bellybutton.

Wesley pulled out and gave Kaley a Boston cream donut hole.

by Oinklet August 6, 2022

Donut Hole Sunshine

When a guy puts a ringed donut around his penis and gets a blowjob.

Then when he finishes he adds on the donut “icing” with his cum and his partner then eats the donut.

Good morning sunshine!

Dude, this chick gave me the best Donut Hole Sunshine for breakfast!

by Naughtymommy March 14, 2019