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Dreamgender is a word used to describe patients who live in a insane asylum, or a mental hospital. It can also be a word used to describe furries who live a forest

Look at that dumb retarded Dreamgender in the forest over there!

by Augghhhh June 25, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


DreamGenders are people who watch Dream (well known American YouTuber) while suffering from multiple severe mental disorders, including, but not limited to:
โ— Intellectual Disability
โ— Sadism
โ— Apotemnophilia
โ— Mania
โ— Necrophilia
โ— Biastophilia
โ— Separation Anxiety Disorder
โ— Dacryphilia
โ— Anthropophagolagnia
โ— Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
โ— Vorarephilia
โ— Erotophonophilia

Parent: "My child watches Dream videos most of the day, then starts drawing erotic gore paintings and writes sexually violence fanfics!"
Psychiatrist:"Unfortunately, your child is DreamGender."

by ClayWasTaken February 28, 2021

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someone who identifies as a ''Dreamsexual'' This is mostly used for trolling, but there are legitment people who claim to be this.

People who are Dreamgendered worship a green blob on youtube

by Cimam79 October 30, 2021

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a retard that thinks that it is cool to simp for a youtuber and thinks that dreamsexual is a valid LGBTQ+ community member

Person 1: iM cOmInG oUt oF tHe cLoSeT... iM dReAmSeXuAl i wAnT tO bE kNoWn aS dReAm/dReAmGeNdEr, dReAm iS sOoOo hOt AnD sExY

Person who has an education: ight you got 1 second before i blow your face off with my shotgun, then dig a hole that is 32 feet so no one has to see yo raggedy ass

by German Yoshi March 2, 2022


a lame excuse to be a sucky person
a person with zero brain cells
someone who doesnt think, and when they do they make fake ass genders and sexualities to feel like theyre apart of something

A: Im dreamgender and dreamsexual! I am out and proud! UwU
Me: shut it you spore, you have genital warts and no direction in life

by cricketred April 19, 2022



person 1 : im dreamgender
person 2:L + Ratio + Fatherless

by Scoredquasar454 February 21, 2022

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A gender for identifying yourself as a fatherless child that can't have rational thinking.

Hi, I'm dreamgender and I hate life!

by lolerslolers February 12, 2022