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the drummer is the cute guy in the band who keeps the beat and the music together. Without him there would be no band. He is also the sexiest guy!

Oh my god! Have you seen the drummer he is a sexy beast

by bandlover September 15, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who plays drums well. They are as essential to rock music as guitarists if not more. Drummers, along with Bass players, rarely get as much attention as singers and lead guitar players.

Mike Portnoy is an amazing drummer.

by Rusty Shackelfurd August 18, 2005

565๐Ÿ‘ 241๐Ÿ‘Ž


the coolest kind of peole on the face of the earth!

"im a drummer" **all bow down to ultra asomely coolness**

by kimbo June 30, 2003

518๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


A drummer is THE most vital member of any band. A drummer keeps the pulse of the band, and basically makes all the non-musical guitarists look good so they can all say 'yeah, we're fucken ace' when they're actually, not. A drummer plays the drums (duh)and actually IS a musician, contrary to popular belief. Calling any musician a drummer is often taken as an insult, altho the drummer is in fact the cleverest musician

Guitarist: Hey guys, why are drummers always so stupid?
Drummer: So then 'Bob', what time dya need me 2 help ya wiv that work?
Guitarist: Err, shut up. I'm such a rocker. I'm like, hardcore. You don't even play a tuned instrument
Drummer: actually, i've passed my grade 5 theory of music, and my grade 6 piano. And, I can keep time
Bassist: Haha. Bob got ripped there. Bob's so stupid

**large domestic argument insues**

by SDrummer January 12, 2006

248๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who can kick ass behind a drum set and stir up excitement in an audience. A drummer can rock you or soothe you, depending on the song. A gentle song needs a drummer that can create a happy flow. Often real drummers make people want to jump up and dance. Drummers play a full set of rock drums: at least one snare, at least 2 tom toms and one or 2 floor toms, 3 or more cymbals, plus a high-hat and a bass drum. More of any can be added any time. Chimes, gongs, orchestral bells and cowbells have also seen some pretty hard-hitting from drummers. There are some drummers that could be called drummers that play other styles of music than rap and rock, but they tend to be rare. Like, is Charlie Watts really a drummer when he plays jazz โ€“ give me a break.

Altho drummers don't always practice, they remain true to a genuine spirit of hard-hitting cooperation with other members of their bands, driving them ahead. They are also influenced by the music coming from other instruments and incorporate it into the overall experience, hence helping to shape the music. This is why other members of the band should always play well, since they are influencing the drummer.

Drummers have the Power of Rock 'n' Roll at their command.

We went to see Trail of Death (or some new band in town) and the drummer kicked ass!

by Rudolf Kurt Penner April 24, 2007

63๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most talented musician in the band who is always underrated. Known for their rhythm, drummers are the best dancers and the best in bed. Fact: Drummers are blessed with large penises and have a higher threesome rate than other band members. We attract the hottest girls because we always play with our shirts off and have the most athletic instrument in the band causing us to be the most in shape. Fact: we have strong forearms leading to multiple orgasms to any girl that can handle it.

Example 1:

Person 1: Dude, some guy just fucked my girlfriend and my sister. At the same time.

Person 2: yep, hes a drummer.

Example 2:

Girl 1: look at that drummer....he looks so sexy banging those drums with his shirt off.

Girl 2 : lets have him drive the train on us.

Girl 1: okay.

by Nicodemous November 8, 2008

58๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


people who are responsible for driving the beat in the band. drummers appear usually in two forms.

first theres the naturally talented, good headed drummer with alot to contribute and minimal bitching, this can go either way with the stereotype of being under appreciated.

secondly theres the drummer that is very talented yet cant stop bitching and complaining about how much work they do and how expensive equipment is. this type will go on forever about how much drum equipment costs and how they have the most stuff to haul and will pester the shit out of you with all of these facts that you really dont care about. these guys give drummers a bad name and are responsible for the asshole stereotype. most common in death metal drummers.

guitar player: ok lets do that again from the top

drummer #2: dude youre not the one that has to play is man its like im using my whole body to play it and its hard and do you know how expensive these heads are? it costs me like 5 dollars every time i play a song and.......

guitar player: fuck it

by sylterria April 22, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž