Politically correct term for the word "unemployed". Hey, it's not our fault!
(At Job Interview for Big Company)
So what have you been doing for the past year and a half?
Oh, well I was employment ignorant due to circumstances beyond my control, but it hasn't diminished my ability to give a shit at work whatsoever!
A job provider in Devonport that likes to make there job easy buy making ur life hard
Bloke:got my centerline cut off
Other guy : u must be through max employment
A subset of employment which describes poverty level low-income jobs. Workers in this type of employment find themselves living paycheck to paycheck with no means of financial growth. Most often associated with entry level work for fast-food, big-box retail, and agrarian employers.
Usage: "I'm heading to cash my Subsistance Employment paycheck to buy this weeks top-ramen and bus tokens."
Bill: "I ain't got no cell signal."
Fred: "You should upgrade from Prepaid"
Bill: "I can't afford it, I'm on the Subsistance-Employment."
Experts in employment who advise businesses on how to create the best possible employee experience for their team in order to create happier employment. This includes coaching and advising on topics such as EDI, culture, engagement, fair process, leadership and management, recruitment, onboarding, communication, performance management, vision and purpose. An employment consultant may utilise tools such as surveys and employee interviews, carry out workshops and support companies in strategy design, process design, through to recruiting top talent. The ability to execute an exemplary recruitment process and create happier employment is facilitated by the initial thorough examination of the company's employee experience. Armed with this information, and the company taking progressive steps to improve their employee experience, an employment consultant can successfully source diverse talent who would thrive within a company's particular environment.
We need an employment consultant to advise us on how to improve our culture and employee experience.
A state in which a person is simultaneously employed and unemployed
When you take a in paid LOA from your crap job to self isolate and don’t know if they’ll firer you. You are in a state known as schrodinger's employment
"If the employer can't dictate what their employees do then they are a slave to the employees" ~ Vivek
Hym "No. They aren't. You're creating this implicit false dichotomy between the employer being a slave to the employee or vice versa. If an employee can't negotiate what happens while they are on the clock workers don't have rights. It's little more than servitude. And no, Aba and Preach. I'm not demanding money. Money is and has always been a tertiary concern. I doubt I could get anything from this other than recognition for the incredibly high quality (legally). The primary concern IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN the blatant stalking and harassment that allows a fat bitch named Aba (or preach you're not important enough to make the distinction) to quote something I said at a bonfire in front of exactly 3 people. Stalking and harassment THAT PREEXISTS ME POSTING ON URBAN DICTIONARY. But it isn't about what I'm demanding or even whether or not I AM demanding anything. For you it's about teaching some cosmic lesson to someone who SAID A THING YOU DIDN'T LIKE. You want to be able to participate in the learning of a cosmic lesson that DOESN'T ACTUALLY MATTER to YOU or ANYONE ELSE. It's isn't about safety. It isn't about moneyz. It's about holding somone accountable with AUTHORITY YOU DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE."