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Hancock Entrance

1) An entrance or appearance that usually results in the damage or destruction of nearby scenery.

2) An intrusion on a conversation that completely kills it and creates an atmosphere of awkwardness.

Comes from the movie Hancock, where the main character, a superhero, made most of his entrances in the first half of the movie by slamming down on the ground from a high altitude, damaging the pavement and nearby property.

By accidentally driving her car into the convenience store, the old lady did a textbook Hancock Entrance

A Hancock Entrance in conversation
Guy 1: Dude, did you see the baseball game yesterday?

Guy 2: Yeah! It was total bullshit. The shortstop missed the ball to make the last out!

Guy 1: I saw that. The thing went right between his legs

Guy 3: Your mom's thing went right between his legs!

by uninspired username July 29, 2008

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Trades Man's Entrance

Trades Mans Entrance, The Back Pussy, The Poop Bridge, The Bourneville Blvd, The Bakerloo, Cannock Chase, The Bottom, Arse, Ass, The Rusty Sheriff's Badge, The Brown Starfish, The Gary Glitter, The Hershey Highway, The Backdoor, The Brown Eye, The Fuzzy Snuggle, The Rear Admiral's Daughter.... The Glory Hole

Father O'Malley lounged dreamily on his chez long, thumbing his holy book, recounting to himself a lost weekend with Italian sailors on shore leave;
"Luigi rattled my head board like no altar boy could. By Monday morning my Trades Man's Entrance flapped like a wind sock in a force seven gale".
A life in Holy Service. Father Seamus O' Malley. Penguin Books. 1932.

by Da Dirty South April 12, 2008

65๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Early Entrance Program

A program located in the California State University of Los Angeles (CSULA), also known as EEP. Helps students excell in their studies by skipping highschool or junior high.

Person: so what grade you in?
Me:i should be in 12th grade, but im in my 4th year of college.
Person: woah, for realz?
Me: yeah, I skipped highschool.

by neshypoo December 31, 2005

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Poaching The Tradesman's Entrance

Stimulating your partner's anus, with fingers and tongue before penetration; licking and teasing the anus in anticipation of penetrating; the act of penetrating the anus as part of foreplay. The act of finger or tongue fucking the anus.

She never expected me to poach the tradesman's entrance but she's glad I did: she like's to know I'll be poaching the tradesman's entrance tonight.

by Evil Incarnate. November 30, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Early Entrance Program

A program hosted by the Robinson Center for Young Scholars at the University of Washington which accepts 16 7th and 8th graders to enter the UW early. Students must go through an one-year intensive transition school (TS) prior to entering the university. Most Early Entrance Program students thrive in the university environment, contrary to popular stereotypes of entering college early.

More colleges need to adopt early entrance programs on the model of the Early Entrance Program.

by inquilinekea June 24, 2005

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entrancing tale brethren

You say this as a comeback to "cool story bro". Meant to be an upscale, upperclase, more formal way to say "cool story bro"

Excited Friend: "I just got a nuke in COD"
Non-Chalant Friend:"Cool story bro"
Formerly excited, now pissed off friend: "Entrancing tale brethren."

by AY.EFF.101 December 9, 2010

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pineapple grand entrance

The act of inserting a pineapple anally or vaginally as well as inserting your penis anally or vaginally.

I took Frank's advice and gave Hilary a pineapple grand entrance, it wasn't pretty.

by Hiato March 30, 2011

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