Source Code

Dong Expansion Pack

A package that helps you expand your penis by at least 69.11 mm

Can I have a Dong Expansion Pack please

by My2ndAngelic October 30, 2016

3👍 1👎

Domain Expansion: Muryōkūsho

It mean “Unlimited Void” it is a technique used by Gojo Satoru, the honoured one and also the second strongest character in all of Jujutsu Kaisen till he was turned into an Among us

Unlimited void fills the target’s brain with unlimited information turning them into a vegetable until they recover or just die

Some loser: “I will win because my domain is stronger”

Gojo Satoru: “No bitch fuck you, Domain expansion: Muryōkūsho.”

That same loser: “What the fuck”

Gojo Satoru: “You are now experiencing everything everywhere all at once

by Nobodily October 29, 2023

18👍 4👎

hole expansion pack

when you finger her asshole with one hand and finger her vagina with the other hand and then stick both of your hands in her mouth.

i gave her a hole expansion pack. her holes are bigger now.

by PabloOzuna3219487436543970632 March 12, 2023

Universal Law of Luggage Expansion

Whenever one goes on a vacation of any length, the luggage can never fit the same way in the suitcase as it did as one was packing for the trip.

Me: Wow, why can't I fit my clothes in this suitcase like it fit a week ago?

Friend: It's the universal law of luggage expansion, dude!

Me: Ohh yeah, that's right. Forgot!

by Mullenator February 20, 2010

PS2 Expansion Bay Hiding Spot

On a PS2 (the fat model) there is an empty slot in the back meant to put in a hard drive and network adapter, this empty spot can be accessed by taking off the network adapter or cover on the back. This is a great place to hide stuff like your weed, cigarettes/cigars, cans of snuff, small flasks, money and electronic devices etc. It's a great hiding spot because nobody will think to look for anything strange in there(just make sure to close up the back after) and no one will suspect a thing!

Person 1:"I need to hide this herb somewhere for a bit!"
Person 2:"Put it in my PS2"
Person 1:"How the fuck would i do that?"
Person 2: -opens the back- "See?'
Person 2:"Yeah the good ol' PS2 expansion bay hiding spot trick!"

by illgamer97 March 31, 2013

36👍 1👎

Domain Expansion: Jihei Endonka

This means "Self-embodied perfection" and is the name of the technique the social constructionist use.

Mahito "Only I can see the shape of the souls of men... And warp them in my image... Domain Expansion: Jihei Endonka."

Hym "Who are you to lay your filthy monkey paws on the soul of the king of cursed spirits? I think your existence has been tolerated long enough. Domain Expansion: Fukuma Mizushi."

by Hym Iam July 25, 2022

8👍 4👎

Domain Expansion: Fukuma Mizushi

It means Malevolent Shrine.

Blue cranium: The world needs my ethic more than it needs to acknowledge your existence. Domain Expansion: Muryōkūsho."

Hym "You know... I didn't blame you or your ethic for what happened (not in any real sense) but I had completely given up. I was in a state of abject misery where I couldn't even trust my own mind. My own family. And you're concerned about plagiarism and teaching me a lesson? I'm going to tear it apart until neither of us exist. Domain Expansion: Fukuma Mizushi"

by Hym Iam July 25, 2022

5👍 7👎