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The act of moving one's eyes in a way to be sassy and offensive. It's a non-verbal way to tell someone to "fuck off," much like giving the middle finger. Although they don't actually say "fuck off," that's what the gesture means in that manner.

Teenage daughter: *eye-rolling at father*
Father: "Don't tell me to fuck off!"
Teenage daughter: "I didn't!"
Father: "The fuck you didn't!"

by My Dog Has Hitler's Brain December 21, 2020

Eye rolling

Rolling your eyes

Dad: go wash dishes

Kid: ughh 🙄🙄🙄ok (eye rolling)

by BIGDICKNIAH April 25, 2021

*rolls eyes*

Basically. . .

"Written in big FAT serial killer letters!"
-Crazy Rich Asians

" *rolls eyes* Oh yeah totally.(I don't give a shit)"

by abc.Lmnop July 13, 2019

Fake eye roll

Pretending to be inconvenienced by being overpriveleged

Flying private is such a bother (fake eye roll)
My Rolex collection is so last week (fake eye roll)
Looking after my investment portfolio is so stressful (fake eye roll)
Being a weatlty beautiful toned blonde isn’t all it’s cracked up to be (Uber fake eye roll)

by fuzzybuzzz January 30, 2019

Self-defensive Eye roll

A self-defensive eye roll: a justified rolling of the eye, after another person has rolled their eyes at you.

1: don’t roll your eyes at me
2: you did it first it’s a self-defensive eye roll
3: okay fine that’s true

by lilDICKtionary March 27, 2020