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A low mono-tonal whine often mistaken for undewater seismic testing. Often followed by mass beachings of marine mammals.

The recent dolphin strandings are suspected to be caused by a Furness.

by Mr. C. December 1, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word that can be used to describe any kind of action or thing.
can be substituted for words such as laid, bordom anything.

We are getting furred at the holiday inn.
Did you get furred last night?

by Jeremiah Jeff July 12, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

fur dog

really f'in cold, when the temp dips below zero, similar to brrrr!

As I hurriedly walked from outside into the warm house. I exclaimed, Damn, It's fur dog outside !

by obewan May 15, 2006

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Fur Missile

A police K9 teaching idiots not to run, one bite at a time.

The fur missile was launched when the suspect ran.

by Tyre Fyre August 11, 2018

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A derogatory term for a furry. Most commonly used in any circumstance involving a furry

Hey look at that Fur-Fag

by Upperclasshomosapien May 18, 2019

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Fudgy Fur

When hair around the anus gets matted with "fudge" from improper wiping,
or leftover soft poo.
Especially a problem for people with lots of "fur" in the region.

"I need a shower, I got fudgy fur."
"Those flushable butt wipes help relieve fudgy fur issues."

by Scrappy SamCat January 20, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fur Loin

a woman who has a well trimmed pussy, and lucious, moist, vaginal lips to accent her grooming. Very inviting and attractive

This girl had the most amazing fur loin I have ever seen! I could have lived down there for a year!

by TeamJimmy October 31, 2009