Source Code

Gaitan Feltching

Gaitan Feltching is whenever Miguel "Creepy" Gaitan is sucking sperm from his boyfriend's or some other guy-he met at Tabu bar & lounge, asshole.

Miguel "Creepy" Gaitan sucking sperm from his boyfriend's ass.

The Gaitan family caught their relatives Gaitan Feltching each other during their family reunion.

by Word on the street May 29, 2017

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slow feltch

same as feltch but you let the hot animal semen marinade in the rectum for at least 24 hours while the semen bask in the raw essence of the butt gravy and then drink with a bendy straw.

Jeff enjoyed the roasty goodness of the slow feltched juices as he sucked so elagantly through his purple bendy straw

by Dennis "Pierre Ruger" Raw September 13, 2009

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feltch patty

A turd deposit stuck to one's anal pubes.

Man. When the TSA officer checked my ass for drugs all he found was a wicked feltch Patty.

by TheRealSmokehouse September 15, 2018

Feltch baby

To be born from the process of a feltch finished with spitting the love juice into the woman's vagina.

Dude, your a fucking feltch baby

by In3rtia January 24, 2007

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Shotgun Feltch

When someone bends down to perform a Feltch, the other person then farts the semen out of their ass and into the other person's face, much like a shotgun blast. This is done intentionally but all to the feltchers surprise.

I can't get off these days unless I Shotgun Feltch a catholic priest.

by Harold Ramis July 14, 2009

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Feltch Blast

To use a straw to suck the seaman out of an anus... but first you blow as hard a you can down the straw to produce bubbles and then consume.

"I'm going to Feltch Blast the shit out of you tonight, i got a crazy straw hooked up to a 4-cycle blower"

by Halcom U Rbalzitch June 2, 2009

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Feltch Gobbler

n: one who sucks cum out of another's rectum.

Timmy anal penetrated this hot broad & dumped a load of cum deep into her bowels. The broad's sister then proceded to suck the jizz out of her tine hole as she farted. Talk about one sick ass Feltch Gobbler.

by Tina Sperm Cleana November 8, 2011

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