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A Filipino is a nationality. A nationality consisting of the different ethnicities of Philippines. Many of these ethnicities (a strong 95%-97%)trace their roots to the Austronesian people who immigrated out of Southern China into Taiwan as the Northern Mandarin ethnicity became the dominant culture of China.

The Austronesian people travelled well through out the Malay Archipelago (Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea) and many who have settled through out began migrating back-and-forth within the region and also back to mainland Asia. The varied migrations between the Malay Archepelago and the mainland created very ethnically mixed cultures through out the region (And this is before the Europeans came) which is why Filipinos and other "Malays" don't have a consistant racial appearance as opposed to the Chinese and those who are Pacific Islanders(who are in fact of the same blood but not mixed)

The Defining point between Pacific Islanders and Filipinos comes to the fact that once the Austronesian people reached Polynesia they lost all ties to Mainland Asia, unlike the cultures of the Malay Archipelago who would eventually intermix with many of the people of Southern China and Indo-China. Both of these cultures technically are Asian, but the ethnicities are divided by cultural connections with the mainland.

When it comes to the hispanicization of the Philippines, one has to realize that only a small minority of Filipinos actually have Spanish Blood. A Stanford Study has shown only 3% of Filipinos are actually mixed with either Chinese and/or Spanish blood. Much like African Slaves in Colonial America, who received "Christian" Anglo-Saxon/Scots Irish/Irish Protestant names. Filipinos Recieved "Christian" Spanish names and prayed to a white Jesus much like every one else in the world who fell victim to colonialism.

The Colonial Mentality is very much apparent in the Filipino culture, where many will lie about the background claiming their Spanish roots when in fact they probably bleached their skin and got plastic surgery on their nose. The Filipino Media adds on to the stigma against being brown by inundating the T.V. Screen and billboards of the city with White Meztiso Images.

"They say we beat the European Imperialist and yet all you see are white faces on the T.V. Screen."
^something to think about for all my Filipino brothers and sisters.

by Mad FX November 11, 2007

679๐Ÿ‘ 656๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Filipino is a person who is native or linked to the Philippine Islands, located in South East Asia and around the West Pacific.

There is a big hype on what the Filipino Race is, Asian or Pacific Islander? Well, after searching the internet, looking at historical studies and talking about the issue (being Filipino myself), Filipino's are geographically located in South East Asia, Whilst the culture of the Philippines is very much similar to that of the Pacific Nations. For example, Parts of the Philippines practice traditional tattoing, the styles used and documented are very closely linked towards Pacific Islanders, If you are fluent in one of the 170+ Filipino Languages, they are very similar in structure and style to that of the Pacific Islands. More in Detail, the Filipino People are of Malay-Austronesian Descent, Austronesian people come from all over the Pacific, including the Philippine Islands, the race of Austronesians are widespread, from Native Hawaiians, to Somoans and New Zealand's Maori's, The Filipino People fall into the Category of 'Austronesian' as the race is linked into that Family through early settlers of the Austronesian race in the Philippine Islands. To settle this issue, the Filipino People are of Asian and Pacific Descent, through their Austronesian Ancestors. Whilst the Culture is a lot more Polynesian than Asian. The Philippine Islands are very complex when it comes to cultural and race issues, since the two issues are very diverse, The Philippines is a melting pot of the worlds cultures. Though, Traditionally, The Filipino People are of Asian and Polynesian Descent. Still their remains a large Spanish and Mexican Influence towards the race, there still remains a large number of latinasian people within the Philippines and internationally, The Filipino people are truly a very diverse Race, and are known to be one of the most diverse in Asia due to the multiple world powers that once colonised this Island Nation.

Filipino: Hey bro, Where all Filo
Samoan: Yeh bro, we all the same
Filipino: Austronesian

by TommyFlip September 28, 2007

619๐Ÿ‘ 599๐Ÿ‘Ž


A filipino is someone who originates from the Philippines.
Theyre basically, a huge mix of Asian with Spanish. Most don't have chinky eyes, most are big, and very pretty. Filipinos are VERYVERYVERY family oriented. (i'm gonna start saying 'we' cause i'm filipino.) we have a family party for EVERYONES birthday, and everyone always comes. aunts. uncles. cousins. second cousins.
Filipinos usually have Med-sized houses - small, but boy, if you take a look at their bank accounts, we probably have more than you. Filipinas are most likely Registered Nurses! We're NOTNOTNOT lazy. and person who said we type from 10-20 wpm, i type at 122 WPM, so bettch, please.
We like our rice. Rice is our best friend.
We DONT eat with chopsticks. We either eat with our bare hands, or use a combination with a spoon and fork. If you're a right hand, put the spoon in your right hand. put it facing sideways on your plate, so the scoop side is facing you, not up. down, or the other way. use your fork, to push whatevers in front of it, onto the spoon.
We have really good foods, as people ALWAYS tell me.
We're known for our fricken LOUDNESS. we're loud, its great. i dont wanna have a family who's fricken quiet as hell. whats the fun in that.
We buy whatever we want. if we like it, we buy it. who cares about the price. Not all filipinos are short, dumbbbassssseeeeeesss. i'm 5'7. sure most are short. but. there are alot of tall ones too. filipinas are usually pretty, and filipino boys are... okay. i guess. Filipino girls want a white or dominiican, or otherspanish husbands, just to have a caramel colored baby, but we marry who we fall in love with.
BAD- many parents, or... like. 30 and above people from the philippines are racist. this is what i hate.
GOOD- we're outgoing, and dont give a sh*t on what everyone thinks.
some have big lips, some have med-sized.
known as Asians, or pacific islanders.
some are religious.... veeerrryyy.
I dont know bout the rest, but i lovee guys who're mixed (:
watch TFC 24/7 , and let me tell you. ITS ANNOYING.
we're not annoying, you're just whiny, and needs to go out more.
If you're shopping at themall, or wherever, if your mom is all the way on the other side, she will scream "(YOUR NAME) OBER HURR"
we have big butts. props to spanishhh c(:
we hate when people steal our parking spaces.
clearly, the nicest people you'll meet. . . and the bi**hiests.
oh and... yea, our house is not the biggest thing, but you would see us with coach purses, laccoste (WE ADORE LACCOSTE) hollister. dooney and burke. oh and. yeah, we have ALOT oof money. like my mom, she keeps 1000 dollars in case of emergency in her pocket, or purse, or whatever. and she sometimes goes into the mall to spend it because its an 'emergency' . . so she stocks up again.

ay, arr yuh pinished wit your pood ? go eat some more. we hab plenty. , oy, sandok some rice por us please. tanks.

okay okay let me get a pictoore ob yuh under dat tree.

how old ar yuh turning? tree? por? pive? six?

can yuh pass me a purr?

did yuh just part/furt?

boy: oh yess, that girls got back. she bangin"
boy#2: dayumm, your right.
Passing by boy#3: yeah. shes deffinately filipino.

by ANON. starts with a J April 13, 2008

871๐Ÿ‘ 858๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a native or inhabitant of the Philippines.

Contrary to popular belief, Filipinos are not Pacific Islanders. Pacific Islanders is a strict term and refers exclusively to Oceania. People generally stereotype Asians being "East Asian", this in turn has made Filipino-Americans who do not fit the stereotype...to not want to be termed Asian.

However, the Philippines is part of ASEAN (Assoc. of SE Asian nations). They are not part of any of the Pacific Islander nations which, again, refers to Oceania.

a - what is a Filipino?
b - Someone from the Philippines?
c - Yes

a - what is Asian?
b - Someone from Asia?
c - Yes

a - what is Pacific Islander
b - A native or inhabitant of any of the Polynesian, Micronesian, or Melanesian islands of Oceania.
c - Yes

a - does that include the Philippines?
c - Have you checked the map lately? that island is considered part of SE Asia. Taiwan and Japan are also islands, that doesn't mean they are Pacific Islanders. Read a dictionary sometime.

by Jack Garcia November 28, 2007

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Filipino- from the Philipines

Has some of the greatest foods ever- Pansit, Lumpia...However you spell it.

My brother and I are half Philipino!

by Hollie_Babie December 14, 2004

1489๐Ÿ‘ 1500๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is a reply to qiuwtp.

1.Filipinos are very hardworking people.

So many countries would beg to have a Filipino work for them because people people in the U.S have nothing better to do than complain how they're getting fired.


2. TheAsian<3 took care of this for me.

3. Don't piss yourself because you can't learn Filipino's amazing language.

4. it's called a Golddinger mother fucker. Not every Filipino is one.

5. No shit stupid, because Philippines IS better.

6. It isn't the Filipino's fault that they want to have fun.
If you have a fucking problem with that get the fuck out their country and fuck yourself.

7. TheAsian<3 took care of this for me also.

8. Not all Filipinos are short. Get your information straight because aha - your sources were very misinformed.

9. Will you please stop repeating your dumb opinions about the country? Just get the fuck out because you don't deserve to be living in their land.

10. Oh - well is that what you did? Vise Versa? Didn't like your shitty country and decided to marry a Filipino because you can't handle things yourself? Reffering to #1. THEY ARE VERY HARDWORKING.

11. A lot of Filipinos speak English because the U.S. took over Philippines and taught them the language.


12. Yes, Filipinos do eat meat and rice and that is why they don't die of heart attacks and strokes because they are very healthy because and have a perfectly balanced diet.

I apologize if you are that envious of Filipinos qiuwtp.
You are a very racist ignorant asshole and please get the fuck out the Philippines.

Of course they will have rice it's the philippines what the fuck do you expect them to have Cement? Fucking Idiot
grow the fuck up because your just making yourself look bad in front of all these people.

Filipinos are very beautiful people

by BEAH; May 25, 2009

326๐Ÿ‘ 306๐Ÿ‘Ž


first off, I'm Filipino...

> hard working people
> weird soap operas
> delicious food but VERY fattening
> corrupt government (c'mon. we all know it)
> are ASIANS!! not "pacific islanders" of whatever.
> most of us are very religious (but some are not *guilty*)
> VERY family-oriented
> proud of our homeland
> influenced (colonized) by Spaniards, Japanese, and Americans
> most of us have relatives that want to (if not already) work in a different country
> most are nurses/nannies/maids (we all know it)
> some of us aren't the stereotypical type (*also guilty*)

oh, and..

> we don't say "homie" or other things like that. Actually, hardly any of us say that. (ok, well. Some MIGHT *hehe*)

I don't really care what fuckin race I am, Filipino or otherwise, I'm just.. me =)

by ParadiseGehenna May 20, 2009

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