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Asscrack flashback

When you have a flashback about having seen a sweet asscrack.

I completely forgot half of Marisol's butt was hanging out last Friday night until Monday morning when I had an asscrack flashback.

by lumbian May 27, 2010

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Perico Flashback

1) used as an allegory to describe the Miami and New York City cocaine culture circa 1975-1987.
2)An enlightning remembrance which brings back good memories and has been long forgotten until that moment.
3) A momentary lapse of memory.
4)An imaginary trip into ones mind in which the person reverts to Miami or New York City circa 1975-1987
5)An avid cocaine user or an EX-avid cocaine user.
(may also be one who resembles a cocaine user)
6)hallucinagenic trip caused by copious cocaine consumption.

1) I Remember that back in the Perico Flashback days, I was the man in Miami.
2) Juanito:Hey, Cuco do you remember that one weekend we took those girls to Fontainebleu?
Cuco: Oh damn, I had forgotten about that! I just had a perico flashback!
3)Damn, I forgot to clean the cat litter before we left on vacation. I must have had a perico flashback.
4)when I heard Born to be alive by Patrick Hernandez I had a Perico Flashback.
5)The guy who fixes my air condition is a perico flashback.

6)Cindy snorted so much cocaine she was perico flashbacking.

note* the verb tense form of the word is perico flashbacking and could substituted where the verb form is necessary.

by afh33 January 25, 2011

dick flashback

when you cannot stop thinking about that good DICK you got last night. Randomly zoning out about getting railed. Looking off into the distance thinking about getting pounded in your punani.

*gazes out the window*
Friend: hey you good?
You: Shit sorry I was just having dick flashbacks.
Friend: giiiiirl you got that good dick huh

by asseatersanonymous May 4, 2021

tattesia flashback

When someone suffering from tattesia suddenly remembers how much their previous tattoo(s) hurt. Usually occurs while getting another tattoo.

I thought I had such a high pain tolerance until I got a new tattoo and had the worst tattesia flashback!

by cek September 26, 2012

Vietnam Flashback

When someone stares off in the distance at an non living object for a while and someone says "look at him he's having a Vietnam flashback!"

Person 1: " Why is he staring off in the distance?"
Person 2: "He's having a Vietnam flashback!"

by The Blonde Boi April 26, 2017

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Flashback Mary

James Charles’ alter ego.

Flashback Mary... Flashback Mary... Flashback Mary....... hi ShIShTaRs!!

by nolovelife January 7, 2019

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Chocolate Flashback

This is when a transsexual prostitute really needs to take a dump and she squats by a tree in a prime touristic location (e.g. l'Arc de Triumphe in Paris) and unloads a monster shit whilst smiling and smoking a cigarette, and doesn’t wipe or wash her hands after.

Person 1: WTF???!!! (calls friend)

Person 2: (answers the phone) whats up champ?
Person 1: T-bone, look out the window, theres a real chocolate flashback taking place!!
Person 2: Scrumptious!!!

by Champ Perkins September 27, 2011

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