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foamy chewbacca

A foamy chewbacca is when the women has a hairy asshole and then the male cums in the hairy asshole making it look as if chewbacca is foaming out his mouth

Just a weird sex move called the 'Foamy Chewbacca'

by HornyCat69er February 3, 2014

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uncle foamy

penis..usually referred to as "uncle foamy" when a man becomes aroused or referring to something that would arouse them..

"that will make uncle foamy stand up and tap dance!!"

by zoe holl May 3, 2006

Foamy Dollop

A sexual maneuver where a corporation fucks you up the ass for 40 cents.

Starbucks added this foamy dollop to my latte, and they started charging an extra $.40 for it?!

by theocho8 January 31, 2011

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Foamy Fernandez

When a male ejaculates in a girls butt while she farts so she can make cum bubbles

โ€œI gave your sister a foamy Fernandez

by Littlegirls457 November 25, 2019

Foamy Homie

When you drink copious amounts of malt liquor or beer, or you drink it too quickly, and you burp up foam.

Last night while playing Edward Forty Hands I had several foamy homies, but didn't actually vomit.

by Worldbfree March 28, 2010

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Foamy Teabag

To insert one's semen covered nuts into the mouth of another, usually while they are sleeping.

Dude, I Foamy Teabagged my girl last night while she was passed out, then she woke up asking why her mouth and lips were salty and crusty.

by CurtainsoftheMeatVariety May 27, 2012

Foamy Barista

Ejaculating into a glass and stirring it vigorously until foaming occurs. You then empty the glass onto your partner's face.

Dang brother, you better put a tarp down before you give her the ol' Foamy Barista.

by clagmodeous February 20, 2020