Something that induces both a feeling of lust and exictement at the same time.
The Finale of Romantic Encounter Was So Forny! I Love The Way Leonard Passionately Made Out With Synthia!
Girl: are you horny?
Guy: no, im fucken horny!
girl: Oh, so you're forny?!
The desire to play fortnite. Being horny for fortnite.
Damn I’m so forny right now wanna play squads?
horny to play fortnite (usually after not playing for a long time)
friend 1: we haven’t played fortnite in a while,
friend 2: ik bruh i’m lowkey forny, let’s hop on.
The state of being when someone is suddenly aroused by the sound, smell, taste, touch, or sight of delicious food. See food porn.
"John sent me a picture of his pizza and I was instantly forny."
"Chipotle makes me so forny."
"She thought my boner was caused from her, but I was actually forny because of the double fudge brownie Sunday sitting in front of me."
the combination of fucking and horny. like, as in fucking and horny together. so you are really horny.
example, "i am forny."
as invented by ***aBbY***pOdRaTz***
the jonas brothers make me so ~forny~
Fornis is a right-wing noob gamer from the north of Sweden. Like Miffo^ he can mostly be found next to your traschcan, and when you can't find him there, you'd better watch your back..