the best damn place on Mercersburg Academy campus... you will often find people "packing a fat" or "dippin that shabba".... this place is known for its lack of rules and sweet ass 2nd floor... you will be cool here if you stay long enough
Yo man i'm goin to fowle hall to go pack a fat on shot's wing.
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“No Harm No Fowl” is the follow up to the detective series "In Harm's Way". This time, in what some cynics have called an “obvious network ploy to revamp interest in an ageing format”, we see Harm paired with a psychic chicken to solve crimes in a sleepy German town. Whilst the pilot notably featured TV’s John Nettles, this turned out to be the high-light of a somewhat lacklustre follow up to a novel first series. Rumours of a big-screen adaptation were dashed when it emerged that method actor Al (Alan) Pacino (set to play Harm) refused to work with the Adam Sandler (“the chicken") unless Sandler continuously ate chicken until he actually became a chicken. Alan was caught shouting “you are what you eat” at Sandler whilst repeatedly ‘clucking’ at the comic veteran. “It was a step too far” commented director Christopher Nolan. “I don’t even like chicken” said Sandler, and added “he was very close to my face, and his breath was not so pleasant - like onions, or some sort of dip, garlic mayo maybe”.
Did you see "No harm, no fowl.", this week, I think it's going to get cancelled.
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The act of intercourse between man and PIÑATA.
Man that fuckers a fowl hoodagger!
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Profanity is socially offensive language, which may also be called curse words, cuss words, swear words, crude language, coarse language, oaths, blasphemous language, vulgar language, lewd language, choice words, or expletives.
I don't use fowl language when in a chat.
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The use of fowls' names as insults or clever ways of cursing innocently.
COCK! I'm using my skills of "Fowl Language." TURKEY!!!
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To be backed down, or to be essintially punked.
Derived from, doing business with Kim Fowley. Hollywood Pop Culture character perhaps best known for creating and supposesly controling all actions of the teen rock hit band The Runaways.
Fowley produced one more album titled "Waitin' for the Night." This was their first studio album that did not hit the charts. Kim Fowely got tired of playing G-d with his jailbait band and so left them, high and dry. "We fowled out for sure!" stated Lita Ford of doing business with Kim Fowley.
Source: A Runaways Story
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