A korban Freed is behaving in a immature manor in order to end an argument, commonly over religious issues using yelling or screaming.
Person 1: "I believe in the big bang theory"
Person 2: "*yelling* GOD CREATED THE EARTH IN SEVEN DAYS *screams* YOU'RE STUPID *screams*"
person 2 was doing A korban Freed
A korban Freed is a behavior in which you attempt to slash others beliefs via yelling and screaming, usually in an immature manor
Person 1: "I heard that the earth the flat"
Person 2: "*yelling* NO IT IS NOT *screams* AHHHHHH"
you can describe that as A korban Freed.
Things were out of control down there so I freed the beaver.
To give away tree, vegetable and fruit seeds from your garden.
We gave away 30 envelopes of freeds at Al's birthday party today.
Freed, is freeing someone or something. This can be in past tense or present tense depending on how your using it.
Yeah bruh, I just freed the bitch
A 24 hour period in which you go with out beating and if you have gone multiple days it can be referred to as Freed Days. This can cause several weird mood swings in men.
I’m on a Freed Day today
I’m on 2 Freed Days