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Freeport Ohio

Freeport Ohio a small rural town with over 85% of the population being Amish this is a boring town.there are to places to go out to eat a small restaurant and the gas station.The main entertainment of this town is when a amishes horse goes nuts in town.Prepare to hear the words pa and pap around here.If you say a word with more than four syllables your considered a rocket scientist.

We stopped in Freeport Ohio and was scared by all the people outside gas station pumping gas while smoking.

by Thatohioboy January 30, 2017


town in northern illinois that is home to lots of black crackheads trying to fight you. i used to live there and i had some ugly homeless man asking me if i had a blunt or some cheap alcohol. at 7am. i once walked outside and some girl with weird legs that were jiggly was chasing her loser cheater boyfriend with a 50 pound rock. there’s an area near the ymca/highland community college where if you live there, there is a 100% chance that you homeschool your kids. white people are minorities. most are mexican and black. some chinese people came to freeport middle school once to look around and were taking pictures and kids were saying ching chong and telling them to not eat their dogs and that they should hide theirs. there are mass police chases after school. only chinese people in town are the nail people. the only thing good about that town is that the orchestra is the longest lasting one in american schools. you will be woken up in the morning to hood music. you walk in groups of 30 out there. there is a lovely store called adams market where the owners pray 25/8 . kids still use facebook out there. ugly ass bitches think they’re the shit. union dairy is good but once i got this bitch with hand herpies touching my ice cream. someone once drove through the state farm building. there are two of each thing bc each side is different levels of ghetto. they have like 5 housing developments. you can see the us bank building from anywhere in town. locals hang out at the library.

hey dude i’ll be staying in freeport for a while.

~you gon die

by epommiofff June 15, 2019


located in northern illinois, freeport is a crack town. they just got a starbucks but everyone working there needs proactive and a makeup wipe. don’t drink the water bc it is brown and you will contract multiple types of very sophisticated rare stds. everyone there is just low life white trash drug addicts. that’s where you buy a bag of cheap weed for $1. to be popular there you have to smoke cigarillos and drink cheap liquor. also find people at their houses and beat their booty. you’re either white trash, or like 6’4” and dating a guy that’s 4’8” like a pedophile.

hey do you wanna go to freeport today?
~no, that place is like alabama but worse.

by epommiofff June 15, 2019