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Darren Frink

The Vice Principle of Salmon Bay middle school, and a secret leader of the Washington Mafia

Oh crap, Its Darren Frink, hide your phone, and your children!

by coolalec694209811704212009 May 13, 2022


When lights flicker the break

A light in the Asda frinked last night so we might need a new one.

by lum the plum April 15, 2023


A friend who also takes the role of a therapist (friend + shrink)

Someone who listens to your troubles and and analyses your actions/reasoning/emotional journey

I will always be your frink when you need one

Stop being such a annoying frink

Getting one's frink on

by LéonAslan January 28, 2017


Drinks which are for free.

Lets go to the art exhibition, there might be some frinks.

by berlinfrinkshunters November 24, 2023


Free drinks

I love this event - frinks for all!

by Forsthuberin November 7, 2018


Noun; individual with odd characteristics. Plays world of Warcraft, lack of empathy and social skills. May or May not be a chomo.

He's been watching anime porn all day. What a frink

by bbbrandi November 23, 2016


The mix of the words frisk and kink , put into one to make this

That was some frink going on

Or it can be made one word to replace something to “somefrink”

by CrowbarG February 28, 2018