The Vice Principle of Salmon Bay middle school, and a secret leader of the Washington Mafia
Oh crap, Its Darren Frink, hide your phone, and your children!
A light in the Asda frinked last night so we might need a new one.
A friend who also takes the role of a therapist (friend + shrink)
Someone who listens to your troubles and and analyses your actions/reasoning/emotional journey
I will always be your frink when you need one
Stop being such a annoying frink
Getting one's frink on
Lets go to the art exhibition, there might be some frinks.
Noun; individual with odd characteristics. Plays world of Warcraft, lack of empathy and social skills. May or May not be a chomo.
He's been watching anime porn all day. What a frink
The mix of the words frisk and kink , put into one to make this
That was some frink going on
Or it can be made one word to replace something to “somefrink”