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Whatever Froots Your Loops

What you’d say to encourage someone to do their thing. Synonymous with “Whatever floats your boat.”

SOMEBODY: “Dude – last week I got a pet pig. Named her Carla.”
THAT SOMEBODY’S FRIEND: “… whatever froots your loops, bro."

by Toucan Sam March 13, 2017

Stale froot loop

A boring uninteresting crazy psycho that seems to ruin everything good that ever happens to you

Calm down you stale fucking froot loop

Everything was good till you got here you stale froot loop

Goddammit you stale froot loop would you just like go? I've had anough of you

by Crazyfrootie112 April 22, 2017

froots your loops

Whatever makes you happy.

Me: Where do you want to go?
Person: idk lets just do whatever froots your loops

by Intense Master April 17, 2017

Jonathan Froot Loop The 3rd

Jonathan Froot Loop the 3rd is a wanted crimal for sending minors nudes. That is such a L thing to do.

Hey guys quandale dingle here, my friend Jonathan Froot Lop the 3rd was arrested for sending minors nudes to people like Josh B(the predator of 5th graders)

Jonathan Froot Loop the 3rd is the name of a wanted criminal also wanted with Quandale Dingle. He is know to be a furry and a Xvideos femboy. He also send Josh B.(the predator kids cheeks jiggling in slow motion and he wanted to use up his lotion.

by JamariusQuangleDangleFan2001 May 26, 2022

Political Froot Loops

is a colloquial term often used to describe politicians or political figures who make outlandish statements, exhibit bizarre behavior, or hold extreme beliefs that are perceived as unconventional or detached from reality. The term is derived from the breakfast cereal "Froot Loops," which consists of brightly colored, sugary cereal rings. In this context, it implies that the individual's views or actions are as whimsical and nonsensical as the cereal itself.

The politician's latest rant about aliens invading Congress was just another serving of Political Froot Loops, leaving many wondering about the state of their sanity.

by Al-Coc March 11, 2024

Froot Looped

The type of intoxication (intentional or not) that can result from ingesting mental health medications.

H: Hey, are you alright?
S: Hahaha I am great, how are you?
H: Me too. These meds got me Froot Looped!
S: Same here, I got lithium and low dose Suzy-Q for anxiety.
H: That's new, they use to only give high doses before bed. Awesome!

by Va11is Manson 11:11 April 29, 2023

1👍 1👎

Froot Loop

Kinda fruity 😗…

Hey you seen our new Gym Teacher

Yea, he looks like a a lil froot loop

by Lil mama 🤪 September 12, 2021