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Full Blown Shower

A shower which includes the use of conditioner

man, that was a sweet full blown shower.

by Olga Esta en' da hood May 3, 2010

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Full Blown Yellow AIDS

The advanced stages of Yellow fever. A person, typically a white male, only has an interest towards asian woman and thinks all other types of woman are repulsive. When this stage is reached there is no turning back. They are uncurable much like real AIDS.

if we don't do something about his yellow fever he is going to come down with full blown yellow AIDS

by NIPPON LOVER July 13, 2006

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Full Blown Dummy

A male or female that lacks intelligence and is used primarily in sexual acts. The individual has the equivalent intelligence and use of a blow up doll.

That girl was a full blown dummy.

by Wrensch October 16, 2012

full blown hakuna matata

When you run from all your problems and take an abrupto and extended vacation.

Where did Mike go? I have seen him in months.

I heard he moved out to the country after his woman cheated on him.

Wow, he really went full blown hakuna matata.

by b0s$m4n June 28, 2021

Full Blown Mercenary

When something is so good the only way it can be described is Full Blown Mercenary

That was Full Blown Mercenary Greg

by Callum Adams April 17, 2020

Full-Blown Girlfriend

The act of dating someone seriously and not dating someone else.
It often metastases to Full-Blown Fiance and in some rare cases, Full-Blown Spouse.

Russ: "She thought you were hitting on her"
Shannon: "No, I wasn't, I have full-blown girlfriend"

by yoomaamaaaa! October 5, 2016

full blown mental

The type of mentally handicapped that'll shoot milk making jokes about colors. Also see "sawed off human"

You get some full blown mentals at the lunch table laughing, milks gonna fly!

by AFunkyJunkie420 March 2, 2023