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full of dat shit

To be under any kind of influence of drugs or alcohol to your maximum level.

We went out yesterday and bought a fifth of vodka and got full of dat shit.

This some good weed man, "I'm full of dat shit"

I can't remember nothing from last night dog I was full of dat shit.

by B.Bailey December 27, 2008

8👍 1👎

Full bag of Shit

1.A compete ,crammed full bag of Shit...2.More than half

a bag 3.a suggestive figure of speech....to be used when two persons..do not agree on something...

1. My boss at work...told me I had to work over 12 hours a day...for the rest of the week. Whether I liked it or not.....so when he started cussing me...I told him to Eat A FULL BAG OF SHIT!!!!!.

by The Accumuator November 8, 2021

You're full of shit, Emma

That's why no one care when you say it. The things you say don't carry as much weight when YOU say them because...

Hym "You're full of shit, Emma. Literally everything is racism to you so when cry racism it doesn't carry any weight. You radically over-represent the degree to which things are things, on LITERALLY every topic. So, yeah, people can see that. People can see you being full of shit... And it makes you untrustworthy. So, I have to lend credence to the shit you say... Because I am BETTER AND SMARTER THAN YOU AND THE RETARDS YOU FUCK. You're dumb. I'm brilliant. And settler colonialism is just RACISM Emma! EVERYTHING IS RACISM TO YOU! No! THE JEWS SAY IT THE CULTURE! THEIR CULTURE IS THE RELIGION! SO IT'S NOT THE THING YOU SAID... IT'S THE THING I SAID!"

by Hym Iam March 29, 2024

full of that shit

Under the influence. Be it alcohol, heroine, whatever substance comes to mine. Someone who is noticeably and obnoxiously high / drunk. Originated from southern slang, when elderly would talk about being "full of liquor" or flat out drunk.

Person 1: Hey, what'r ya doin in my house?!
Person 2: Dudes, we're outside. You must be full of that shit?

by Twwiggy April 8, 2019


When you have a very fast, clean poo more than once in a day.

I just had another or a full-fibre-shit. It was clean bro

by E45LE March 14, 2023

Full of shit

Full of misinformation, trickery, and cruelty, and not a whole lot else.

The girl had more full of shit qualities than redeemable ones.

by The Original Agahnim July 28, 2021

Full of shit

Somebody who wants you to give an inhuman amount of effort you don't have time for to get anything accurate from.

The girl had always been full of shit.

by Solid Mantis September 27, 2019