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"God Damn Independent" One who is not envolved in a greek organization. Typically engages in acts of douchebaggery, and envy all those who are greek.

Gelled hair Meatbags, Hippies, Goths,wannabe surfers and Nerds are all examples of GDI's

by Sig Ma Chi April 16, 2008

180πŸ‘ 303πŸ‘Ž


An acronym for God Damn Independent. GDI's are people who actively choose to not affiliate with Greek life. GDI's come in many forms, ranging from the nerdy book worm to the lazy stoner to the Greek wanna-be's. Regardless, majority of GDI's rear their heads during the infamous rush week at schools across the country to get a one week taste of Greek life and it's parties, just to fall back into the traditional dorm drinking life-style shortly afterwards.

So dude, are you thinking about rushing our house?

Well, actually I'm here for the keg.

Pssh, GDI's

by Koobut March 10, 2010

109πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


1)A person not cool enough to join a fraternity or sorority, and spends every night of the week writing bull shit on urban dictionary about greeks.

2)The second lowest form of life next to the dung beatle

I was a GDI in college and look at me now. I'm the assistant manager at Mc Donalds, and soon to be manager after he leaves to college.

Only a GDI would wear jorts.

by Apollo467 September 16, 2005

249πŸ‘ 437πŸ‘Ž


It’s a way to say Goddamn it in a text message.

1.Throw the ball
2. That guy stole it!!
1. GDI!!!

by GDI #1 June 12, 2021


God Damn It

GDI, I just deleted your address by mistake.

by Beeon Time September 28, 2018


God Damn Individual. Used in the U.S. Army to denote someone who refuses to take orders and does whatever the fuck they want to the chagrin of their unit. Especially used in Basic Combat Training (BCT) where Drill Instructors attempt to turn a shit-ton of diverse recruits from different backgrounds (GDIs) into one cohesive functioning military unit. But there's always the one fucktard who doesn't give a fuck and will do whatever they want and will always be a GDI.

"Yo G, that fucktard doesn't give a fuck. He just made our whole platoon do 200 pushups by being a retarded fuckup. What a GDI. Let's throw him a blanket party tonight."

by 7upp December 31, 2010

77πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


Stands for "God Damn Independent"; Used to describe college students who do not join a fraternity or sorority

Hey did you pledge anything?
-Nope, I'm a GDI

by jdar95 October 25, 2015

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž