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Gains Goblin

A person that stops a person, friend, Bro from obtaining their gains.

Joud, you ate my protein bar and hid my beef jerky! You're a Gains Goblin!!

by Joud Rahal June 25, 2019

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vegan gains

Noun 1: A gain in muscle mass attributed to the vegan diet.

Noun 2: A psychopath who hates when animals are killed, but threatens to kill random people.

1. Ya I'm really proud of the vegan gains I've been making as of late.


by "4ChanDOTgov" December 26, 2016

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Gain of function

Is a phrase in Military diplomatic doublespeak meaning "Weaponization".

After watching Dr Fouci and others discussing the issue of "Gain of function research" for some time now, you should realize that -

Gain of function means Weaponization.
In the same way as "doing collateral damage" means "Killing innocent civilians" in diplomatic military language.

by RocketMan November 30, 2021

gained an inch

This term refers to a man "gaining" an inch to his dick by having done something extremely badass/manly, thus becoming even more manly. Men can wear these accomplishments as a medal and brag about them at later dates.

Dude #1: "Man yesterday was crazy! I definitely gained an inch."
Dude #2: "What did you do to earn that accomplishment?"
Dude #1: "I grew a beard, threw on my plaid shirt and bibs, and went out to the forest and chopped down trees to make myself a log cabin."
Dude #2: "Damn!"

by DerMin August 2, 2011

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No Pain, No Gain

Basically a phrase which means that if you really want something so bad, that it means so much to you then you're gonna have to work hard enough to get.

If you really want it that much then you'll always have to work hard for it. No pain, no gain.

by CelticEagle February 11, 2019

Noob Gain

A term used by the online weightlifting/bodybuilding community. The term used to describe the large gains attained when you first begin working out

Jack: "I have added 30 pounds to my bench max"

Tom:"Those are just Noob Gains"

by Jalala Bong January 6, 2012

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self gain

The pursuit, action, will or decision to; deny, reason, consider or not relate to any persons, environment or situation but to obtain self promotion, position, substance or worth. Motives for self gain can be intrinsic, selfish, ego centric or reward without need/desire to benefit, help assist environment or mankind as a result. The anthesis of selfless, heroic, martyr, saint, counsel, helper, integrity, honour, disciple and charity.

It was clear that Mr Jones had no intention of helping anyone but himself; purely to self gain from his fraudulently activities to clone credit cards.

by Dovecry15 September 22, 2015

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