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Someone that is chatting absolute rubbish.

Will you please Stop Gassing!

by Angel15 June 4, 2007

443๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


to be burn out, exhausted, capable of doing no more

I went to work today but got nothing done, I'm just gassed.

by bart medley May 10, 2004

656๐Ÿ‘ 347๐Ÿ‘Ž


getting high on weed, getting stoned

becky do you want to get gassed tonight

by flapperfanny January 6, 2021


making someones head big

dont tell him that, he'll get gassed!

by Stephanie Elizabeth November 11, 2007

482๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž


To think too much about yourself; when someone thinks there better than they actually are.

Person 1: YOOO!! I just drained a shot from half court!!!
Person 2: Wow, your gassed.

by pharcyd3 January 4, 2006

426๐Ÿ‘ 299๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gassing is a term used in prison, it is when a prisoner stores faeces, urine, and sometimes blood in a bag; which is used to assault a guard usually during head counts. Usually from a convicts which have a life sentence because they're not going enywhere.

I was a victim of a gassing I my have been exposed to HIV hepatitis A, B, and C now i have to be tested and on anti-viral drugs. and it could take up to three to six months of being on medical leave then i find out if I'm infected.

by beast 1/2 November 2, 2006

159๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you are roasting or makimg fun of someone

Dwayne:Jhon you got a bigg ass forhead
Lebron:jhon dwayn is gassing on you

by Bnotes March 12, 2015

47๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž