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Georgia is a controlling white narcissistic smart arse with a forehead that is 1.5 inches above average. Georgia refuses to eat packet mix food because she is too boujee for that shit.

Georgia’s forehead crinkle can ruin anyone’s day

by Bin chickens have rights too November 1, 2019

40👍 19👎


1. A U.S. State in the South established in 1732, known in the past for it's peaches and cruel history of slavery, and now known for it's peaches, racist rednecks, and as a haven for elite strippers; 2. A sovereign Eurasian state in the Caucasus; 3. An overly headstrong woman with a sharp tongue and confrontational demeanor. See also-bitchharpyharridanshrew

"I offered to buy her a drink, and she spat on me, called me a 'misogynist asshole', slapped me, and kneed me in the nuts before walking away yelling that there were no good men left...WHAT A FUCKIN' GEORGIA!"

by Ootliagiba May 13, 2010

662👍 389👎


A state filled with underaged redneck sluts and whores. Also, home of the peaces. Represent.

Person 1- Damn, I just hooked up with 5 girls!

Person 2- We must be in Georgia

Guy 1: Wow, you just made out with ton of girls.

Guy 2: Whenever we're in georgia i can pull a noah

by ymcamysundrops July 23, 2011

681👍 444👎


noun, An annoying or obnoxious person

'Don't be such a Georgia'

by A Knight December 9, 2009

388👍 255👎


Probably the most amazing girl you’ll ever meet. Georgia’s aren’t afraid to speak their mind whether it be good or bad. There topically shy when you first meet them but once they get comfortable they never stop talking. Georgia’s are always smiling or laughing no matter the situation they can make a joke out of anything. Georgia’s are also extremely kind and caring (if they like you) they are extremely loyal and will always put their friends and family first no matter what. Georgia’s are extremely pretty and have the best bodies too.

Wow! Georgia is so pretty!

by Strawberry33 December 23, 2017

9👍 2👎


1. Hill-Billy Hell
2. A state in the south east United States populated predominantly by rednecks
3. Although they deny it, the majority of the population in this state tends to be close minded, hypocritical, and idiotic.


Georgia Sucks!!!

by adrypharas June 14, 2009

277👍 179👎


The Arm Pit of the United States.

Ah... Georgia. Paper mills, nasty sulfur water, pine trees (and little else) as far as the eye can see, polluted rivers, polluted coastal waters, stinky air, biting sand gnats...

And the people? It's like someone gathered all of Jerry Springer's guests together and herded them into one state.

Oh, but what about Atlanta, you say?

During your stay, make sure to visit the Coke Factory and the Aquarium... cause that's about all the positives you're gonna get to balance the experience of being mugged and getting no sleep while listening to sirens blaring all night, then trying to go out the next day to have a good time, but finding that everyone behaves like an asshat.

Brunswick, Georgia. Anyone who's been there knows.

by I escaped! July 11, 2008

301👍 197👎