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Country in central Europe that got divided after WWII. Was reunited by David Hasselhoff in 1989.

Fun fact: Germany, along with France, is also the USA's best excuse for losing the War on Terror because they refused to help invading independent foreign countries for their oil reserves. Shame on them!

by Griese February 12, 2009

110πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


A country that is full of people who respect the United States as much as many US citizens respect them. A great country overall, with very nice people, nice cars and good beer.

Remember: It's the German government that hates the US, not the general German public.

by AJAW October 2, 2004

642πŸ‘ 383πŸ‘Ž


Often Germany is only seen as the causer of World War I and II but that's not all. Every German is hating Hitler and what had happened to all those innocent victims during his terror regime. But were not national socialist anymore! Germany tries hard to come to terms with its past and Berlin is remembering you of what happened very much (cue: memorial).

Then there is the DDR, a terror regime as well. If you ever visit Berlin and book a guide he will tell you mostly about the Third Reich and the DDR. The opposite of liberty and democracy.
Germany, known for its beer, great cars and guns, is a beautiful country where nobody drinks beer to every meal, neither wears leather pants nor is taught how to built a car at school. There are so many stereotypes I hate. I'll only say it one more time: Don’t ever wear leather shorts in public!!
Instead, it offers big culural facets and beautiful buildings, coastel and mountainous landscapes, big vibrant cities and the wide country.

German food is also very delicious. Kebab, often sold by Turkish inhabitants, is yummy as well as the good, old Bavarian veal sausage.

Germans are also known for their punctuality. It's true, we are always on time, natrual for every German. We are faithful, maybe rough sometimes but with a soft core.

The most famous German facility is the Autobahn (die Autobahn). Many tourists are huge fans of it and I can understand why. There are many famous cultural people as well (Schubert, Goethe, Schiller etc.).

Prejudices may be funny but for Germany they aren't.
No racism, no Nazis! We're not like them anymore, we're modern, a new nation.

by aGerman April 9, 2011

29πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A very respective, but under appreciated country. They have great culture, fine arts, beer (just appealing to the rednecks, here) and awesome cars. Hitler wasn't born in germany, either. He was born in austria. Most of the nazis were under aged teenagers too afraid to fight for the allies. Many were drafter under force against their will. So before you blame germany being a bad country stop to think, we have been in more than 20 seperate wars as a country less then 400 years old. I believe germany has been in 10, maybe less. They have been dated back to medevil times.
Deutschland ist fur den sieg!

How can germany be blamed for what their ancestors did?

by doctordull August 30, 2010

42πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


No joke, Germany's like the best country. The drinking Age is 16, they have great beer, good weed (since germanys next to holland) and badass clubs. Parents aren't as bitchy as in america. Even school's better. No fucking cameras, no ID's, no cops and drug dogs and shit. And kids still behave better. oh yea, and you get out at 1.15 !

guy: dude, germany the best fucking place in the world !

me: righttt, bro

by slimthuggapimpin May 23, 2011

39πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A country that almost won two world wars but is 0-2 because America called it a little bitch.

Germany: Alright, so the allies are on their knees and Russia surrendered, we got this
*American Anthem starts playing*
Germany: *Screams*

by SkadooSkadaeyournowgay March 14, 2018

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A country of great culture. Beer, cars, women, and guns.

The German language can be manly and angry, yet beautiful at the same time.

The 20th Century would have been boring and uneventful without Germany.

FÜr Gott, Ehre, und Vaterland!

by StahljΓ€ger March 6, 2006

222πŸ‘ 199πŸ‘Ž